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INTRODUCTION: The doctor's routine with a duty regime is highly stressful and affects the professional and mental professional, leaving the doctor in situations favorable to diseases. GOAL: To relate the regimen on duty and the workload carried out with mental and physical health and professional exhaustion.METHODOLOGY: This work was based on a bibliographic review of the national and international scientific literature on the descriptors defined by the BVS: "Medical Single", "Mental Health" and "Physical Health" in journals indexed in Google Academic databases, including the National Library Of Medicine (Medline) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) from the year 2017, 92 results being found. Those who contributed to the selected theme, that is, articles whose approach dealt with medical health and class work format. RESULTS: Authors of the revised articles advocate that work on a system on duty is the main cause of sleep deprivation and correlated disorders that, consequently, requires a greater demand of the professional, since it can be necessary to give up the physical and psychological rest ( As leisure), interfering in the physical, personal, family, marital and social cycle of this professional, being able to generate suicidal trends sometimes. It is mentioned that the main causes of occupational stress in physicians are: large amount of hours worked and large workload, commonly related to the status of the profession and the financial immaturity of young doctors. CONCLUSIONS: It is therefore evident, therefore, the influence of the duty regime chosen by the medical professional in the formation of physical and psychic sequelae in his life. In Brazil, this discussion is still very incipient, but it is important that doctors have clarity of the need for care in the sense of better preservation of their health, even when they are under the regime on duty. This includes financial education, responsibility for the quality of the medical service offered and valorizing its own physical and mental integrity.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159222217011

  • Palavras-chave: Physical health. Mental health. Medical.

  • Keywords: Physical health. Mental health. Medical.

  • Abstract:

    INTRODUCTION: The doctor's routine with a duty regime is highly stressful and affects the professional and mental professional, leaving the doctor in situations favorable to diseases. GOAL: To relate the regimen on duty and the workload carried out with mental and physical health and professional exhaustion.METHODOLOGY: This work was based on a bibliographic review of the national and international scientific literature on the descriptors defined by the BVS: "Medical Single", "Mental Health" and "Physical Health" in journals indexed in Google Academic databases, including the National Library Of Medicine (Medline) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) from the year 2017, 92 results being found. Those who contributed to the selected theme, that is, articles whose approach dealt with medical health and class work format. RESULTS: Authors of the revised articles advocate that work on a system on duty is the main cause of sleep deprivation and correlated disorders that, consequently, requires a greater demand of the professional, since it can be necessary to give up the physical and psychological rest ( As leisure), interfering in the physical, personal, family, marital and social cycle of this professional, being able to generate suicidal trends sometimes. It is mentioned that the main causes of occupational stress in physicians are: large amount of hours worked and large workload, commonly related to the status of the profession and the financial immaturity of young doctors. CONCLUSIONS: It is therefore evident, therefore, the influence of the duty regime chosen by the medical professional in the formation of physical and psychic sequelae in his life. In Brazil, this discussion is still very incipient, but it is important that doctors have clarity of the need for care in the sense of better preservation of their health, even when they are under the regime on duty. This includes financial education, responsibility for the quality of the medical service offered and valorizing its own physical and mental integrity.

  • Número de páginas: 6

  • Ayla Gabriella Silva Ribeiro
  • Gabriel Guimarães Mitidieri
  • Mariana Dantas Mota
  • Rafael Barros Fontes
  • Eduardo Paulo de Souza
  • Bruno José Santos Lima
  • Mário Augusto Ferreira Cruz
  • Rafael da Silva Lemos
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