Artigo - Atena Editora


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RESEARCH ON TEACHING WORK: “What precisely is at the heart of teaching?”

The article focuses on reflecting on the socio-historical process of development of the teaching profession with the aim of analyzing teaching work in its constituent dimensions, identifying the actors involved and the conditions under which they carried out their activities. Using dialectical historical materialism as a theoretical basis, we seek to understand the historical configuration of teaching as a professional occupation, and therefore the path already taken by several scholars in this field, in order to advance in this direction.

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RESEARCH ON TEACHING WORK: “What precisely is at the heart of teaching?”

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163302306112

  • Palavras-chave: Teaching Profession; Teaching Work; Socio-historical configuration of Teaching;

  • Keywords: Teaching Profession; Teaching Work; Socio-historical configuration of Teaching;

  • Abstract: The article focuses on reflecting on the socio-historical process of development of the teaching profession with the aim of analyzing teaching work in its constituent dimensions, identifying the actors involved and the conditions under which they carried out their activities. Using dialectical historical materialism as a theoretical basis, we seek to understand the historical configuration of teaching as a professional occupation, and therefore the path already taken by several scholars in this field, in order to advance in this direction.

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