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Epidemiological profile of the binomial mother and child in the ‘’Hospital Maternidade Mariana Bulhões’’, in Nova Iguaçu, RJ

Introduction: Syphilis is an anomaly that presents the highest rates of infections through vertical contamination, among all diseases transmitted in the pregnancy-puerperal period. Justification: The relevance of this research is justified by the understanding of the situation in question and the factors associated with the number of cases of congenital syphilis. Objective: To study the epidemiological profile of the binomial mother and child and identify the epidemiological profile of cases of congenital syphilis at Maternidade Mariana Bunions in the last five years. Method: retrospective, descriptive, qualitative study based on data from the Information and Notifiable Diseases System (SINAN) of congenital syphilis in the period from 2015 to 2020. A total of 2211 pregnant women with congenital syphilis were notified, with a mean age of 23.3 years (S= 5,6). The majority with ignored schooling 32%, 96.7% self-declared brown, being found at the time of delivery/curettage 51%, the ignored treatment prevailed in these pregnant women 45.55%. 49.7% were female, 78.7% were brown, 80.2% used crystalline penicillin G treatment, 93.7% had favorable outcomes, and 93.7% had live births. We conclude that the entire course of these pregnant women must be followed in this line of care, with the aim of detecting and solving possible failures in the early diagnosis of syphilis in this target public, in order to better and faster start treatment.

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Epidemiological profile of the binomial mother and child in the ‘’Hospital Maternidade Mariana Bulhões’’, in Nova Iguaçu, RJ

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159392303026

  • Palavras-chave: Congenital syphilis; nursing care; epidemiological.

  • Keywords: Congenital syphilis; nursing care; epidemiological.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Syphilis is an anomaly that presents the highest rates of infections through vertical contamination, among all diseases transmitted in the pregnancy-puerperal period. Justification: The relevance of this research is justified by the understanding of the situation in question and the factors associated with the number of cases of congenital syphilis. Objective: To study the epidemiological profile of the binomial mother and child and identify the epidemiological profile of cases of congenital syphilis at Maternidade Mariana Bunions in the last five years. Method: retrospective, descriptive, qualitative study based on data from the Information and Notifiable Diseases System (SINAN) of congenital syphilis in the period from 2015 to 2020. A total of 2211 pregnant women with congenital syphilis were notified, with a mean age of 23.3 years (S= 5,6). The majority with ignored schooling 32%, 96.7% self-declared brown, being found at the time of delivery/curettage 51%, the ignored treatment prevailed in these pregnant women 45.55%. 49.7% were female, 78.7% were brown, 80.2% used crystalline penicillin G treatment, 93.7% had favorable outcomes, and 93.7% had live births. We conclude that the entire course of these pregnant women must be followed in this line of care, with the aim of detecting and solving possible failures in the early diagnosis of syphilis in this target public, in order to better and faster start treatment.

  • Marilene da conceição
  • Fabiola Soares da Silva
  • Luciana de Carvalho
  • Paulo Alex Nacif Lube
  • Priscila Antunes Figueireido da Silva Costa
  • Alexandra de Sousa
  • Sandra Claudio da Silva
  • Kelly da Silva Arcangelo
  • Wanderson Alves Ribeiro
  • Delbra da Costa Santos
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