Profile and management of patients with aortic dissection: a narrative review
Objectives: Explain the main concepts of aortic dissection, delving into its epidemiology, patient profile, diagnosis and management. Methodology: A narrative review of the literature was carried out based on 20 scientific articles. Results: Acute aortic dissection is the rupture of the intima layer of the aorta, with blood penetrating between the middle and intima layers of the artery, dissecting one from the other, creating a space called false lumen. The annual incidence of aortic dissection (AD) varies from 4.6 to 7.2 per 100 thousand inhabitants. It mainly affects males (66%), with an average age of 60 years, while in females (34%) it manifests itself at an average age of 67 years. Among the causal factors related to AD, there are acute, chronic, acquired or genetic factors. SAH is the most common with a prevalence of 76.6% in all those affected by AD. Its main clinical characteristics are acute chest pain, back pain and syncope. On physical examination, it is possible to observe hypotension and tachycardia caused by cardiogenic shock, reduction or absence of peripheral pulse, probable diastolic murmur of aortic regurgitation, and, in 30% of cases, there is a difference in systolic blood pressure greater than 20 mmHg between the limbs. superiors. Surgical treatment is indicated for ascending aortic dissections. Conclusion: AD presents numerous risk factors. Diagnosis is clinical along with contrast CT angiography. AD management initially consists of controlling pain, blood pressure and heart rate.
Profile and management of patients with aortic dissection: a narrative review
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593772329098
Palavras-chave: Aortic Dissection, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Therapeutics.
Keywords: Aortic Dissection, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Therapeutics.
Objectives: Explain the main concepts of aortic dissection, delving into its epidemiology, patient profile, diagnosis and management. Methodology: A narrative review of the literature was carried out based on 20 scientific articles. Results: Acute aortic dissection is the rupture of the intima layer of the aorta, with blood penetrating between the middle and intima layers of the artery, dissecting one from the other, creating a space called false lumen. The annual incidence of aortic dissection (AD) varies from 4.6 to 7.2 per 100 thousand inhabitants. It mainly affects males (66%), with an average age of 60 years, while in females (34%) it manifests itself at an average age of 67 years. Among the causal factors related to AD, there are acute, chronic, acquired or genetic factors. SAH is the most common with a prevalence of 76.6% in all those affected by AD. Its main clinical characteristics are acute chest pain, back pain and syncope. On physical examination, it is possible to observe hypotension and tachycardia caused by cardiogenic shock, reduction or absence of peripheral pulse, probable diastolic murmur of aortic regurgitation, and, in 30% of cases, there is a difference in systolic blood pressure greater than 20 mmHg between the limbs. superiors. Surgical treatment is indicated for ascending aortic dissections. Conclusion: AD presents numerous risk factors. Diagnosis is clinical along with contrast CT angiography. AD management initially consists of controlling pain, blood pressure and heart rate.
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