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INTRODUCTION: Bladder neoplasms are one of the most frequent tumors in the world population (João Paz, 2022). Bladder cancers are related to genetic and exogenous factors, with smoking and age being the major risk factors for developing this disease. Urinary bladder cancer is more frequent in the white population and is more frequent in males. Clinically, according to Hatem Kaseb (2022) it can be classified into three types: Urothelial Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma. In clinical practice, patients with bladder cancer have hematuria, in addition to complaints of low back pain. Therefore, what is the mortality profile of adult and elderly patients with urinary bladder neoplasms in Florianópolis? 

GOAL: To analyze the epidemiological profile of adult and elderly patients who died from urinary bladder neoplasms in Florianópolis. 
METHOD: Quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional study, with data collection on deaths from bladder cancer in Florianópolis of adults and elderly people from January 2017 to December 2021 through the Mortality Information System (SIM) contained in DATASUS. 

RESULTS: Deaths maintained regularity in the analyzed period, totaling 195 deaths, which represented 18.6% of deaths from urinary bladder neoplasms when compared to the rest of the state of Santa Catarina. The age group with the highest incidence of deaths was 80 years or older, with 39.1%. 

DISCUSSION: The most affected age group confirmed the character of bladder neoplasms as a disease largely influenced by age and time of exposure to cigarettes and other pollutants. 

CONCLUSIONS: Given the above about the profile of patients who died from bladder cancer, age and exposure are taken into consideration, determining factors in the construction of public policies to prevent the disease.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593702304092

  • Palavras-chave: Neoplasm, Incidence, Urinary Bladder

  • Keywords: Neoplasm, Incidence, Urinary Bladder

  • Abstract:

    INTRODUCTION: Bladder neoplasms are one of the most frequent tumors in the world population (João Paz, 2022). Bladder cancers are related to genetic and exogenous factors, with smoking and age being the major risk factors for developing this disease. Urinary bladder cancer is more frequent in the white population and is more frequent in males. Clinically, according to Hatem Kaseb (2022) it can be classified into three types: Urothelial Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma. In clinical practice, patients with bladder cancer have hematuria, in addition to complaints of low back pain. Therefore, what is the mortality profile of adult and elderly patients with urinary bladder neoplasms in Florianópolis? 

    GOAL: To analyze the epidemiological profile of adult and elderly patients who died from urinary bladder neoplasms in Florianópolis. 
    METHOD: Quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional study, with data collection on deaths from bladder cancer in Florianópolis of adults and elderly people from January 2017 to December 2021 through the Mortality Information System (SIM) contained in DATASUS. 

    RESULTS: Deaths maintained regularity in the analyzed period, totaling 195 deaths, which represented 18.6% of deaths from urinary bladder neoplasms when compared to the rest of the state of Santa Catarina. The age group with the highest incidence of deaths was 80 years or older, with 39.1%. 

    DISCUSSION: The most affected age group confirmed the character of bladder neoplasms as a disease largely influenced by age and time of exposure to cigarettes and other pollutants. 

    CONCLUSIONS: Given the above about the profile of patients who died from bladder cancer, age and exposure are taken into consideration, determining factors in the construction of public policies to prevent the disease.

  • Augusto Kenzo Colombo Ikeda
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