Artigo - Atena Editora


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Stroke is one of the main causes of death in developed countries and, in Brazil, cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke, cause a high number of deaths. In this scenario, this work aims to describe the results of a scientific initiation project, which aimed to characterize the clinical profile of patients diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The methodology included a qualitative narrative review, covering a decade of research (2012 to 2022) in medical databases such as MEDLINE and PUBMED, using specific descriptors. 339 works were identified, of which 10 were selected after a refinement process. Risk factors for stroke were categorized into non-modifiable (age, sex, race, geographic location, heredity and family history) and modifiable (high blood pressure, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, dyslipidemia, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, valve calcification aortic stenosis and carotid arteries, use of combined oral contraceptives, smoking and alcoholism). Arterial hypertension was highlighted as the most prevalent risk factor. This study emphasizes the crucial importance of knowing the risk factors associated with stroke when formulating primary and secondary prevention strategies. This can significantly contribute to reducing the incidence of this serious vascular event, encouraging better self-care in the population. Furthermore, the need for educational campaigns and awareness programs to increase public understanding of the risks related to stroke and promote a healthier lifestyle is highlighted.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593882318106

  • Palavras-chave: Stroke; Risk factors; Health Profile; Literature review.

  • Keywords: Stroke; Risk factors; Health Profile; Literature review.

  • Abstract:

    Stroke is one of the main causes of death in developed countries and, in Brazil, cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke, cause a high number of deaths. In this scenario, this work aims to describe the results of a scientific initiation project, which aimed to characterize the clinical profile of patients diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The methodology included a qualitative narrative review, covering a decade of research (2012 to 2022) in medical databases such as MEDLINE and PUBMED, using specific descriptors. 339 works were identified, of which 10 were selected after a refinement process. Risk factors for stroke were categorized into non-modifiable (age, sex, race, geographic location, heredity and family history) and modifiable (high blood pressure, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, dyslipidemia, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, valve calcification aortic stenosis and carotid arteries, use of combined oral contraceptives, smoking and alcoholism). Arterial hypertension was highlighted as the most prevalent risk factor. This study emphasizes the crucial importance of knowing the risk factors associated with stroke when formulating primary and secondary prevention strategies. This can significantly contribute to reducing the incidence of this serious vascular event, encouraging better self-care in the population. Furthermore, the need for educational campaigns and awareness programs to increase public understanding of the risks related to stroke and promote a healthier lifestyle is highlighted.

  • Caroline Costa
  • Gabriel Ribeiro Belfort
  • Victor Hugo de Araújo Gonçalves
  • Leany Fonseca Razuk
  • Felipe Garcia Pereira
  • Jéssica Salomão Borges
  • Barbara Mayumi Ferri
  • Marileide dos Santos
  • Jair da Costa Matos
  • Mariana Kistemann Gonçalves Dias
  • Katia Juliane Lopes de Oliveira
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