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Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) is an autosomal dominant Mendelian neurological disease. It is characterized by weakness and progressive muscle atrophy, initially in the distal muscles of the lower limbs and later in the upper limbs, sensory and motor alterations, deformities in the feet, later affecting the hands. The role of physiotherapy in patients with CMT is to maintain a safe and effective gait, minimize the manifestations of the disease and optimize the function that patients have. Objective: To verify the functional kinetic profile of individuals with CMT from the ``Associação Brasileira dos Portadores de Charcot Marie Tooth`` in different types of the disease. Method: Prospective investigative study. 17 questionnaires from volunteers of both sexes, over 18 years old, with CMT disease, were included. through an electronic questionnaire. Results: Through the data obtained, it was possible to identify the main functional kinetic changes in patients with CMT. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained through the questionnaires, the functional kinetic profile of the ABCMT member volunteers was verified. Where average age, onset of symptoms, most frequent type was related. Gait quality, balance, use of aids, tendon reflexes and degree of disability through a neurological score – adapted. onset of symptoms, most frequent type. 

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15933723290511

  • Palavras-chave: Functional kinetic profile; CMT; Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy; Physiotherapy.

  • Keywords: Functional kinetic profile; CMT; Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy; Physiotherapy.

  • Abstract:

    Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) is an autosomal dominant Mendelian neurological disease. It is characterized by weakness and progressive muscle atrophy, initially in the distal muscles of the lower limbs and later in the upper limbs, sensory and motor alterations, deformities in the feet, later affecting the hands. The role of physiotherapy in patients with CMT is to maintain a safe and effective gait, minimize the manifestations of the disease and optimize the function that patients have. Objective: To verify the functional kinetic profile of individuals with CMT from the ``Associação Brasileira dos Portadores de Charcot Marie Tooth`` in different types of the disease. Method: Prospective investigative study. 17 questionnaires from volunteers of both sexes, over 18 years old, with CMT disease, were included. through an electronic questionnaire. Results: Through the data obtained, it was possible to identify the main functional kinetic changes in patients with CMT. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained through the questionnaires, the functional kinetic profile of the ABCMT member volunteers was verified. Where average age, onset of symptoms, most frequent type was related. Gait quality, balance, use of aids, tendon reflexes and degree of disability through a neurological score – adapted. onset of symptoms, most frequent type. 

  • Andressa Camargo e Silva
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