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Nationalist, patriotic and revolutionary journey of Father Mateus Pinho Gwenjere in Mozambique - (1965-1980)

This article aims to explain the difficult, painful and dangerous work carried out by the Mozambican diocesan priest, for the independence of Mozambique. He educated, mobilized, sent young men to FRELIMO, was many times, for demanding social and political justice, tried in the district of Caia, in the court of Beira, and finally joined FRELIMO. He was trained militarily, professor at the FRELIMO school in Tanzania, his main objective is to describe the nationalist, revolutionary and patriotic spirit and experience of Reverend Father Mateus Pinho Gwenjere, as a methodology, we gave primacy to bibliographical and documental research, aided by semi-structured interviews to their families and countrymen. The specific objective is to contradict the common and/or ideological narrative that sees him as reactionary, anti-patriotic and anti-nationalist. Oica and its contribution to the liberation and/or independence of Mozambique; on the other hand, the reasons that led him to be misunderstood and, as a result, to be “silenced”, to the point of officially being declared a reactionary and enemy of FRELIMO[1]/frelimo[2]


[1]FRELIMO – Front for the Liberation of Mozambique, founded in June 1962, resulting from the union of three nationalist movements, namely UDENAMO (União Democrática de Moçambique), MANU (Mozambique African National Union) and UNAMI (União Africana de Moçambique Independente). movement of struggle against the occupation of Mozambique by Portugal, colonizing power.

[2]Frelimo- Political party, which governs Mozambique since independence (25.06.1975) from the Portuguese fascist colonial yoke, until the present date.

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Nationalist, patriotic and revolutionary journey of Father Mateus Pinho Gwenjere in Mozambique - (1965-1980)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583132319041

  • Palavras-chave: Path, Padre Mateus Pinho Gwenjere, Mozambique

  • Keywords: Path, Padre Mateus Pinho Gwenjere, Mozambique

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to explain the difficult, painful and dangerous work carried out by the Mozambican diocesan priest, for the independence of Mozambique. He educated, mobilized, sent young men to FRELIMO, was many times, for demanding social and political justice, tried in the district of Caia, in the court of Beira, and finally joined FRELIMO. He was trained militarily, professor at the FRELIMO school in Tanzania, his main objective is to describe the nationalist, revolutionary and patriotic spirit and experience of Reverend Father Mateus Pinho Gwenjere, as a methodology, we gave primacy to bibliographical and documental research, aided by semi-structured interviews to their families and countrymen. The specific objective is to contradict the common and/or ideological narrative that sees him as reactionary, anti-patriotic and anti-nationalist. Oica and its contribution to the liberation and/or independence of Mozambique; on the other hand, the reasons that led him to be misunderstood and, as a result, to be “silenced”, to the point of officially being declared a reactionary and enemy of FRELIMO[1]/frelimo[2]


    [1]FRELIMO – Front for the Liberation of Mozambique, founded in June 1962, resulting from the union of three nationalist movements, namely UDENAMO (União Democrática de Moçambique), MANU (Mozambique African National Union) and UNAMI (União Africana de Moçambique Independente). movement of struggle against the occupation of Mozambique by Portugal, colonizing power.

    [2]Frelimo- Political party, which governs Mozambique since independence (25.06.1975) from the Portuguese fascist colonial yoke, until the present date.

  • Baptista
  • Pedrito Cambrao
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