Goal: To know the sociodemographic conditions, evaluate the perception of pregnant women in relation to oral health, dental treatment needs and identify the factors that influence or interfere with access to dental treatment during pregnancy. Methods: Participated in the study 73 pregnant women assisted at HULW. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied on sociodemographic data, self-perception of oral conditions and needs for dental treatment, in addition to some questions from the OHIP-14 index. Data were compiled and presented considering relative and absolute values. Results: Of the total sample, 37% were between 26 and 30 Years old, had a stable relationship (46.6%), had completed high school (42.5%) and 50.7% survived on less than one minimum wage. As for the perception of the presence of changes in the mouth during pregnancy, 91.8% of the pregnant women did not notice any changes, although 97.3% stated that they needed dental treatment. However, 49 (67.1%) pregnant women did not seek a dentist during pregnancy, the main reasons reported were: they thought they had no need (41.1%), lack of money/time and/or desire (11%), fear (8.2%), no reason (5.5%) and going to the dentist before pregnancy (1.4%). Through the OHIP-14 items, a low impact of oral conditions on the quality of life of pregnant women was observed. Conclusion: Most of the interviewees do not have completed high school, have low family income. Most did not seek dental treatment during pregnancy and the main reason given was the lack of need. Oral conditions had a low impact on their quality of life.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159332303018
Palavras-chave: Pregnancy; Oral Health; Dentistry.
Keywords: Pregnancy; Oral Health; Dentistry.
Goal: To know the sociodemographic conditions, evaluate the perception of pregnant women in relation to oral health, dental treatment needs and identify the factors that influence or interfere with access to dental treatment during pregnancy. Methods: Participated in the study 73 pregnant women assisted at HULW. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied on sociodemographic data, self-perception of oral conditions and needs for dental treatment, in addition to some questions from the OHIP-14 index. Data were compiled and presented considering relative and absolute values. Results: Of the total sample, 37% were between 26 and 30 Years old, had a stable relationship (46.6%), had completed high school (42.5%) and 50.7% survived on less than one minimum wage. As for the perception of the presence of changes in the mouth during pregnancy, 91.8% of the pregnant women did not notice any changes, although 97.3% stated that they needed dental treatment. However, 49 (67.1%) pregnant women did not seek a dentist during pregnancy, the main reasons reported were: they thought they had no need (41.1%), lack of money/time and/or desire (11%), fear (8.2%), no reason (5.5%) and going to the dentist before pregnancy (1.4%). Through the OHIP-14 items, a low impact of oral conditions on the quality of life of pregnant women was observed. Conclusion: Most of the interviewees do not have completed high school, have low family income. Most did not seek dental treatment during pregnancy and the main reason given was the lack of need. Oral conditions had a low impact on their quality of life.
- Thayanne Gabrielle Rodrigues Guimarães
- Eloisa Lorenzo de Azevedo Ghersel
- Herbert Ghersel