Artigo - Atena Editora


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The objective f this study was to probe teachers’ perceptions about the importance of art in the process of school and social inclusion of Elementary School students. The investigation took place in two public schools in Rio de Janeiro. Based on school indicators and the results of the Prova Rio, the school considered to have good academic performance was called School A, and the other, considered to have low academic performance, was called School B. The participating students in both schools were from classes considered problematic, from the 9th grade, made up of students with an above-average age group. It was agreed, among the professor participating in the research, the relativization of the programmatic content in favor of works that privileged artistic languages in the approach of free themes and themes present in the disciplines of the curriculum grid. During the school year, the dynamic used in these classes was to work on the subject weekly through art in the classroom and in workshops, whenever possible. At the end of each two-month period, we held events in the form of a Fair in which students presented their work using music, dance, declamation, soiree, theatrical play, exhibition of posters and models as a form of language. The participating teachers made, in each event, their evaluations through the answers to a questionnaire that tried top robe aspects related to the socialization, school participation and self-esteem of the students. Regardless of the schools and based on the perceptions of the teachers, we verified a relative growth in the aspects of socialization, self-esteem and school participation of the students over the two months. At School B, classified as a school with lower academic performance, we could observe that the growth curve was higher, an indication that the benefit of art is directly related to the difficulties experienced by students at school. The results obtained from the evaluations of these teachers point to a scenario of success in the use of art as an instrument of humanization and integration of school actors and of school and social inclusion of its students.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583102331035

  • Palavras-chave: art, inclusion, socialization

  • Keywords: art, inclusion, socialization

  • Abstract:

    The objective f this study was to probe teachers’ perceptions about the importance of art in the process of school and social inclusion of Elementary School students. The investigation took place in two public schools in Rio de Janeiro. Based on school indicators and the results of the Prova Rio, the school considered to have good academic performance was called School A, and the other, considered to have low academic performance, was called School B. The participating students in both schools were from classes considered problematic, from the 9th grade, made up of students with an above-average age group. It was agreed, among the professor participating in the research, the relativization of the programmatic content in favor of works that privileged artistic languages in the approach of free themes and themes present in the disciplines of the curriculum grid. During the school year, the dynamic used in these classes was to work on the subject weekly through art in the classroom and in workshops, whenever possible. At the end of each two-month period, we held events in the form of a Fair in which students presented their work using music, dance, declamation, soiree, theatrical play, exhibition of posters and models as a form of language. The participating teachers made, in each event, their evaluations through the answers to a questionnaire that tried top robe aspects related to the socialization, school participation and self-esteem of the students. Regardless of the schools and based on the perceptions of the teachers, we verified a relative growth in the aspects of socialization, self-esteem and school participation of the students over the two months. At School B, classified as a school with lower academic performance, we could observe that the growth curve was higher, an indication that the benefit of art is directly related to the difficulties experienced by students at school. The results obtained from the evaluations of these teachers point to a scenario of success in the use of art as an instrument of humanization and integration of school actors and of school and social inclusion of its students.

  • José Carlos Teixeira Pistilli
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