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This work refers to environmental education revealed in the continuous training strategy aimed at 51 teachers and directors of Preschool and Primary Education who work in public schools in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. The study focuses on the identification of perceptions of the environment, its problems and relevant aspects for its protection carried out by the participants through environmental education; Likewise, their school practices and their potential curricular integration manifested in the course are analyzed Environmental Education for Sustainability taught online.

Through the phenomenological methodology that seeks to understand the way in which subjects perceive reality and the way in which they act to influence the change of a position through reflection. For this reason, a questionnaire was designed to assess how they perceive the environment, to distinguish the environments in which they seek information, the importance and strategies to care for the environment, in the same way as for its potential applicability to the school curriculum; a content analysis of the products generated by the participants, whose opinions allowed the approach to the attitudes that teachers promote in their profession and visualize an approximation to the viable actions to be implemented in the school program according to the role they play.

The results indicated that the teacher training initiative deployed in environmental education is a space to assess its importance, challenges and relevance that is potentiated in the Basic Education Curriculum, as well as the role of perception in the knowledge process. and their possible specific contributions that empower and strengthen policy actors and professionalize their role, so this work represents a basic input for future educational research.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583222317071

  • Palavras-chave: Continuous training, teaching practice, environmental education, attitudes, basic education curriculum.

  • Keywords: Continuous training, teaching practice, environmental education, attitudes, basic education curriculum.

  • Abstract:

    This work refers to environmental education revealed in the continuous training strategy aimed at 51 teachers and directors of Preschool and Primary Education who work in public schools in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. The study focuses on the identification of perceptions of the environment, its problems and relevant aspects for its protection carried out by the participants through environmental education; Likewise, their school practices and their potential curricular integration manifested in the course are analyzed Environmental Education for Sustainability taught online.

    Through the phenomenological methodology that seeks to understand the way in which subjects perceive reality and the way in which they act to influence the change of a position through reflection. For this reason, a questionnaire was designed to assess how they perceive the environment, to distinguish the environments in which they seek information, the importance and strategies to care for the environment, in the same way as for its potential applicability to the school curriculum; a content analysis of the products generated by the participants, whose opinions allowed the approach to the attitudes that teachers promote in their profession and visualize an approximation to the viable actions to be implemented in the school program according to the role they play.

    The results indicated that the teacher training initiative deployed in environmental education is a space to assess its importance, challenges and relevance that is potentiated in the Basic Education Curriculum, as well as the role of perception in the knowledge process. and their possible specific contributions that empower and strengthen policy actors and professionalize their role, so this work represents a basic input for future educational research.

  • Gloria Peza Hernández.
  • Neftali de la Rosa Estrada.
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