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Perception of self-esteem in elderly boarding schools in the Institution

Introduction: Old age is characterized by a series of changes at a physical, cognitive, emotional and social level, so it is necessary for the elderly to have an adjustment (balance) to the demands that derive from this stage, since this way they diagnoses better development. However, self-esteem, being a central axis in the way experiences are interpreted and assumed, must be considered as a priority in the health sector, since emotional strategies can be generated from it that can facilitate their adaptation. and therefore their quality of life. Aim. To evaluate the perception of self-esteem in older adults hospitalized in a Public Institution. Method. This research is based on a quantitative methodology, descriptive-correlational, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design: the Rosenberg scale was used. In addition, a non-probabilistic sampling was applied, selected for convenience, where 48 older adults participated, whose age ranges from 69 to 93 years and who were in a situation of institutionalization at the ISSSTE in Morelia, Michoacán. Results. The main findings report that two out of three older adults have a regular to high self-esteem, likewise, a relationship was found with schooling, the decision to institutionalize and with the fact that the couple is in a situation of institutionalization. conclusions. Through the results, the need to provide attention to that percentage that is affected by their low self-esteem is shown.

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Perception of self-esteem in elderly boarding schools in the Institution

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593352311059

  • Palavras-chave: Self-esteem, Old age, Institutionalization, Aging, Quality of life.

  • Keywords: Self-esteem, Old age, Institutionalization, Aging, Quality of life.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Old age is characterized by a series of changes at a physical, cognitive, emotional and social level, so it is necessary for the elderly to have an adjustment (balance) to the demands that derive from this stage, since this way they diagnoses better development. However, self-esteem, being a central axis in the way experiences are interpreted and assumed, must be considered as a priority in the health sector, since emotional strategies can be generated from it that can facilitate their adaptation. and therefore their quality of life. Aim. To evaluate the perception of self-esteem in older adults hospitalized in a Public Institution. Method. This research is based on a quantitative methodology, descriptive-correlational, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design: the Rosenberg scale was used. In addition, a non-probabilistic sampling was applied, selected for convenience, where 48 older adults participated, whose age ranges from 69 to 93 years and who were in a situation of institutionalization at the ISSSTE in Morelia, Michoacán. Results. The main findings report that two out of three older adults have a regular to high self-esteem, likewise, a relationship was found with schooling, the decision to institutionalize and with the fact that the couple is in a situation of institutionalization. conclusions. Through the results, the need to provide attention to that percentage that is affected by their low self-esteem is shown.

  • Anharad Abud Esquivel
  • María Magdalena Lozano Zúñiga
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