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capa do ebook People with disabilities: participation and political representation

People with disabilities: participation and political representation

This article deals with the conditions regarding the participation and political representation of people with disabilities; presenting the founding bases of Brazilian democracy, focusing on the structural and systemic dissonances that negatively impact the effectiveness of such popular representation. It also highlights the constitutional principles and ordinary legislation, specifically the Statute of Persons with Disabilities; and it presents a research through which people with disabilities themselves manifest themselves on the issues inherent to dealing with the problem, among which the theme linked to the concept of capacitation stands out.

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People with disabilities: participation and political representation

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162110124

  • Palavras-chave: Disabled person - participation and political representation - Disabled Person Statute - capacity building

  • Keywords: Disabled person - participation and political representation - Disabled Person Statute - capacity building

  • Abstract:

    This article deals with the conditions regarding the participation and political representation of people with disabilities; presenting the founding bases of Brazilian democracy, focusing on the structural and systemic dissonances that negatively impact the effectiveness of such popular representation. It also highlights the constitutional principles and ordinary legislation, specifically the Statute of Persons with Disabilities; and it presents a research through which people with disabilities themselves manifest themselves on the issues inherent to dealing with the problem, among which the theme linked to the concept of capacitation stands out.



  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Antônio Janiel Jenerich da Silva
  • Henrique Alexander Grazzi Keske
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