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Chemical Peeling with Trichloroacetic Acid in Skin Treatment: Review Study

Trichloroacetic acid is a crystalline powder, highly soluble in water. When used for rejuvenation purposes, they are excellent for treating damaged acneic skin, as well as for scarring and deep wrinkles. It is an active ingredient widely used for superficial and medium-depth chemical peelings, with concentrations ranging from 10 to 75% in aqueous solutions. Therefore, the objective of the research was to promote a narrative literature review on the use of trichloroacetic acid and raise the importance of aesthetic pharmaceutical care in relation to its use in chemical peelings. Initially, the need to improve clinical practice was maintained, through the recognition of intellectual practice, qualified professional performance is possible and consistent with current requirements in terms of health and aesthetics in the context of pharmacists' work. This is of fundamental importance for making more scientific and dynamic decisions, because they are based on current literature. Next, chemical peeling with trichloroacetic acid was a process that initially had lower operational costs despite being a not so current technique and resulting from several factors, such as the safety of its handling in these concentrations and, practically, the non-existence of of immediate and late discomfort. Given the approach to the importance of pharmaceutical care in the face of this phenomenon of chemical peeling and complex facial treatments, it is concluded that it is essential for the exercise of the pharmaceutical profession to require effective pharmacotherapeutic care consistent with the reality of the patient's needs, whose action interferes with increasing effectiveness of the treatment.

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Chemical Peeling with Trichloroacetic Acid in Skin Treatment: Review Study

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593822305105

  • Palavras-chave: Chemical Peeling. Skin treatment. Trichloroacetic acid. Aesthetics.

  • Keywords: Chemical Peeling. Skin treatment. Trichloroacetic acid. Aesthetics.

  • Abstract:

    Trichloroacetic acid is a crystalline powder, highly soluble in water. When used for rejuvenation purposes, they are excellent for treating damaged acneic skin, as well as for scarring and deep wrinkles. It is an active ingredient widely used for superficial and medium-depth chemical peelings, with concentrations ranging from 10 to 75% in aqueous solutions. Therefore, the objective of the research was to promote a narrative literature review on the use of trichloroacetic acid and raise the importance of aesthetic pharmaceutical care in relation to its use in chemical peelings. Initially, the need to improve clinical practice was maintained, through the recognition of intellectual practice, qualified professional performance is possible and consistent with current requirements in terms of health and aesthetics in the context of pharmacists' work. This is of fundamental importance for making more scientific and dynamic decisions, because they are based on current literature. Next, chemical peeling with trichloroacetic acid was a process that initially had lower operational costs despite being a not so current technique and resulting from several factors, such as the safety of its handling in these concentrations and, practically, the non-existence of of immediate and late discomfort. Given the approach to the importance of pharmaceutical care in the face of this phenomenon of chemical peeling and complex facial treatments, it is concluded that it is essential for the exercise of the pharmaceutical profession to require effective pharmacotherapeutic care consistent with the reality of the patient's needs, whose action interferes with increasing effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Horalicia Cabral Gonçalves de Oliveira
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