Artigo - Atena Editora


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It deals with representative democracy and political parties. It analyzes the contributions made by political parties to the maintenance of the democratic state. Through bibliographical research, it presents the historical and conceptual evolution of political parties and their functions. It relates the idea of democracy to the emergence of political parties. It highlights the contribution and strengthening of democracy through practical examples. It assesses the possible crisis between political parties. Examines the main reforms that have affected political parties. It presents the current political scenario. It concludes that parties have lost their essential purpose in society, since party leaders are distant from the real aspirations of the people, moving away from their democratic precepts.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Constitutional law. State organization. Political parties. Representative democracy. Political reform.

  • Keywords: Constitutional law. State organization. Political parties. Representative democracy. Political reform.

  • Abstract:

    It deals with representative democracy and political parties. It analyzes the contributions made by political parties to the maintenance of the democratic state. Through bibliographical research, it presents the historical and conceptual evolution of political parties and their functions. It relates the idea of democracy to the emergence of political parties. It highlights the contribution and strengthening of democracy through practical examples. It assesses the possible crisis between political parties. Examines the main reforms that have affected political parties. It presents the current political scenario. It concludes that parties have lost their essential purpose in society, since party leaders are distant from the real aspirations of the people, moving away from their democratic precepts.

  • Dalethe Vitorino de Oliveira
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