Artigo - Atena Editora


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This study aimed to carry out a bibliographic review about Osteomyelitis, a bone inflammation caused by an infection. Since 1984, osteomyelitis has been known, which is a bone inflammation due to a constant infection process, which occurs when a pathogen has access to the bone through an exposed wound, or resulting from trauma or a post-surgical procedure. To make the diagnosis, when the individual presents signs and symptoms (fever, chills, abscesses, edema and local erythema), which can be localized or systemic. We identified it through alterations in an X-ray exam, also requiring complementary exams. This pathology has different classifications, but with a standard initial treatment, with the use of drugs and even surgical intervention in more severe cases. The highlight is given to the group most affected by the pathology, men, whites aged over 60 years are the most seriously affected. This way, it is necessary to give due importance to carrying out more research and forms of prevention for this pathology and its consequences.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593672330081

  • Palavras-chave: Osteomyelitis, diagnosis, treatment.

  • Keywords: Osteomyelitis, diagnosis, treatment.

  • Abstract:

    This study aimed to carry out a bibliographic review about Osteomyelitis, a bone inflammation caused by an infection. Since 1984, osteomyelitis has been known, which is a bone inflammation due to a constant infection process, which occurs when a pathogen has access to the bone through an exposed wound, or resulting from trauma or a post-surgical procedure. To make the diagnosis, when the individual presents signs and symptoms (fever, chills, abscesses, edema and local erythema), which can be localized or systemic. We identified it through alterations in an X-ray exam, also requiring complementary exams. This pathology has different classifications, but with a standard initial treatment, with the use of drugs and even surgical intervention in more severe cases. The highlight is given to the group most affected by the pathology, men, whites aged over 60 years are the most seriously affected. This way, it is necessary to give due importance to carrying out more research and forms of prevention for this pathology and its consequences.

  • Ana Clara Magalhães
  • Maria Eduarda Magalhães
  • Jordana Coelho Soares
  • Cristiana Daniela de Souza
  • Wiviane Aparecida Dias Lopes
  • Eliana Mendes Berquó
  • Alicia Giovana Barreto de Macedo
  • Davi de Souza Nogueira
  • Denes Silva Mendes
  • Danillo Almeida Lima
  • Pedro Felipe Rezende Martins
  • Milena Arpini Machado
  • Willian Félix Oliveira Pacheco
  • Lara Lacerda Amaro
  • Guilherme Augusto Santana Silva
  • Deborah Cristina de Sousa Braga,
  • Breno Henrique Rocha,
  • Andreia Karine Kuhn
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