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Internet memes as an internal communication strategy: practices at the startup Delivery Direto as a case study

This article presents some results of the application of internet memes as a strategic tool for internal communication in the startup of the Locaweb group, Delivery Direto. The use of these contents as a management technique occurred during the year 2021 and the first half of 2022. We carried out a study with comparative data regarding the turnover rate (FORMAGGIO; MELO, 2021), engagement in company events and favorability rates for from the calculation of the employee Net Promoter Score (RAJASEKARAN, 2018).

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Internet memes as an internal communication strategy: practices at the startup Delivery Direto as a case study

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163112331055

  • Palavras-chave: internal communication; memes; endomarketing; organizational culture; communication.

  • Keywords: internal communication; memes; endomarketing; organizational culture; communication.

  • Abstract:

    This article presents some results of the application of internet memes as a strategic tool for internal communication in the startup of the Locaweb group, Delivery Direto. The use of these contents as a management technique occurred during the year 2021 and the first half of 2022. We carried out a study with comparative data regarding the turnover rate (FORMAGGIO; MELO, 2021), engagement in company events and favorability rates for from the calculation of the employee Net Promoter Score (RAJASEKARAN, 2018).

  • Melissa Santos Gameleira
  • Flaviano Silva Quaresma
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