THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: Why philosophy in high school?
THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: Why philosophy in high school? This is the result of one of the sub-issues of my Master's Dissertation, the main focus of which is to problematize the teaching of philosophy in public secondary schools. In this discussion, we bring up some challenges that have long surrounded the teaching of philosophy, including the constant inclusion and exclusion of philosophy teaching from the school curriculum of basic education throughout Brazilian educational history, among other challenges. To help us in this journey, we consulted some theoretical contributions that mention and reflect on the subject under discussion. These include: Gallo (2012); Murcho (2002; Alves (2002); Incontri and Bigheto (2012); Rodrigo (2009); Cesar (2012); Nascimento (2021), among others, who will appear in the body of the text. The discussion on the subject has the following objectives: To discuss the challenges that have been surrounding the teaching of philosophy in basic education, specifically in secondary education; To reflect on the possible contributions of philosophy teaching to secondary education. We used a literature review as a theoretical basis for this topic. It is a topic that deserves to be given due importance, because at this moment in time, philosophy teaching is facing many of the challenges it once faced, but they still persist and deserve to be updated and expanded.
THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: Why philosophy in high school?
Palavras-chave: Philosophy. High school. Challenges. Importance
Keywords: Philosophy. High school. Challenges. Importance
THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY: Why philosophy in high school? This is the result of one of the sub-issues of my Master's Dissertation, the main focus of which is to problematize the teaching of philosophy in public secondary schools. In this discussion, we bring up some challenges that have long surrounded the teaching of philosophy, including the constant inclusion and exclusion of philosophy teaching from the school curriculum of basic education throughout Brazilian educational history, among other challenges. To help us in this journey, we consulted some theoretical contributions that mention and reflect on the subject under discussion. These include: Gallo (2012); Murcho (2002; Alves (2002); Incontri and Bigheto (2012); Rodrigo (2009); Cesar (2012); Nascimento (2021), among others, who will appear in the body of the text. The discussion on the subject has the following objectives: To discuss the challenges that have been surrounding the teaching of philosophy in basic education, specifically in secondary education; To reflect on the possible contributions of philosophy teaching to secondary education. We used a literature review as a theoretical basis for this topic. It is a topic that deserves to be given due importance, because at this moment in time, philosophy teaching is facing many of the challenges it once faced, but they still persist and deserve to be updated and expanded.