Artigo - Atena Editora


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The feminine archetypes of Iemanjá and Iansã: from loving to insubmissive

In the present work, we will try to analyze and understand, through the comparative method, how the feminine archetypes of black women are constructed in the western world and, more specifically, in Brazilian society, starting from the figures of the orishas Iemanjá and Iansã. And, in such a way, we will also seek to understand how religiosity interferes and contributes to the construction of the imaginary about Afro-Brazilian expressions.

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The feminine archetypes of Iemanjá and Iansã: from loving to insubmissive

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558322222129

  • Palavras-chave: gender; candomblé; black women; archetypes

  • Keywords: gender; candomblé; black women; archetypes

  • Abstract:

    In the present work, we will try to analyze and understand, through the comparative method, how the feminine archetypes of black women are constructed in the western world and, more specifically, in Brazilian society, starting from the figures of the orishas Iemanjá and Iansã. And, in such a way, we will also seek to understand how religiosity interferes and contributes to the construction of the imaginary about Afro-Brazilian expressions.

  • Juliana Carvalho da Silva
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