Artigo - Atena Editora


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In the current Brazilian government management, universityinstitutions (Universities) have faced constant competition, which is why they seek tools related to work orientation, aiming at achieving organizational goals. In this light, we sought to analyze and measure the degree of market orientation of Brazilian and Portuguese public Universities, and whether they are different from private Universities. The data analysis method was Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Through this analysis, surveys were developed in 427 universityinstitutions in Brazil and 309 Universities in Portugal. The results made it possible to identify different responses between the two countries surveyed. Portugal had a higher average value for dissemination of information and lower values for generation of information and response to the market. On average, market orientation appears close between the two countries. The academic contributions showed important results for scientific analysis.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558392330034

  • Palavras-chave: Scientific Analysis. Fighting evasion. University institutions.

  • Keywords: Scientific Analysis. Fighting evasion. University institutions.

  • Abstract:

    In the current Brazilian government management, universityinstitutions (Universities) have faced constant competition, which is why they seek tools related to work orientation, aiming at achieving organizational goals. In this light, we sought to analyze and measure the degree of market orientation of Brazilian and Portuguese public Universities, and whether they are different from private Universities. The data analysis method was Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Through this analysis, surveys were developed in 427 universityinstitutions in Brazil and 309 Universities in Portugal. The results made it possible to identify different responses between the two countries surveyed. Portugal had a higher average value for dissemination of information and lower values for generation of information and response to the market. On average, market orientation appears close between the two countries. The academic contributions showed important results for scientific analysis.

  • Gilmar de Souza Franco
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