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Opportunities for the Development of Bioeconomy and Biotechnology Clusters Connected to Brazilian Biomes

In recent decades, advances in biodiversity-based technologies, such as new medicines and solutions to help tackle the ecological transition, have shown that preserving natural environments is not only fundamental to preserving life on the planet and mitigating the effects of climate change, but also plays a decisive role in solving previously unsolvable problems in areas such as human health and climate change. The preservation of biodiversity is fundamental to the discovery of new medicines that could lead to the cure of previously incurable diseases, as well as helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. In this sense, this article presents some reflections on the opportunities and strategies for the country's sustainable development based on the biodiversity of Brazilian biomes, such as the development of bioeconomy and biotechnology clusters and regional innovation systems.

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Opportunities for the Development of Bioeconomy and Biotechnology Clusters Connected to Brazilian Biomes

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Biodiversity. Biomes. Sustainable development. Clusters. Innovation systems.

  • Keywords: Biodiversity. Biomes. Sustainable development. Clusters. Innovation systems.

  • Abstract:

    In recent decades, advances in biodiversity-based technologies, such as new medicines and solutions to help tackle the ecological transition, have shown that preserving natural environments is not only fundamental to preserving life on the planet and mitigating the effects of climate change, but also plays a decisive role in solving previously unsolvable problems in areas such as human health and climate change. The preservation of biodiversity is fundamental to the discovery of new medicines that could lead to the cure of previously incurable diseases, as well as helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. In this sense, this article presents some reflections on the opportunities and strategies for the country's sustainable development based on the biodiversity of Brazilian biomes, such as the development of bioeconomy and biotechnology clusters and regional innovation systems.

  • Tagore Villarim de Siqueira
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