It is already possible to say that the main political milestone at the beginning of the 21st century will have been the discourse emanating from hate offices, passed on in an industrial way to digital social media and also to traditional journalism. It is no longer necessary to map the concrete origin of these discourses, presumably the responsibility of their beneficiaries, but rather it is important to interpret them in their argumentativeness beyond the easy polarization between left and right. It is necessary to observe differences between arguments over time, understanding the original arguments that led people to group together, in addition to those who started to love fake news because they were in favor of their personal or class interests. To work beyond the left and right duality, as well as to understand the historicity experienced between political faces distant from this singular discursive functioning, it was necessary to take into account a procedure capable of appropriating historical temporality, as well as culturality, through which they flowed. clearly the hateful arguments that began to rage from the second decade of this century onwards. Unveiling a model to understand how hatred and politics in this century began to be used based on the experience of previous decades, reaching original historicity, that is, the sophists of more than two thousand years ago, it is possible to obtain in a convincing way close, distant and distant origins of this distorting Logic of what we call the Age of Hypermodernity.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21632623031010
Palavras-chave: Hate speech; electoral arguments; media technologies; Democracy; Political Philology.
Keywords: Hate speech; electoral arguments; media technologies; Democracy; Political Philology.
It is already possible to say that the main political milestone at the beginning of the 21st century will have been the discourse emanating from hate offices, passed on in an industrial way to digital social media and also to traditional journalism. It is no longer necessary to map the concrete origin of these discourses, presumably the responsibility of their beneficiaries, but rather it is important to interpret them in their argumentativeness beyond the easy polarization between left and right. It is necessary to observe differences between arguments over time, understanding the original arguments that led people to group together, in addition to those who started to love fake news because they were in favor of their personal or class interests. To work beyond the left and right duality, as well as to understand the historicity experienced between political faces distant from this singular discursive functioning, it was necessary to take into account a procedure capable of appropriating historical temporality, as well as culturality, through which they flowed. clearly the hateful arguments that began to rage from the second decade of this century onwards. Unveiling a model to understand how hatred and politics in this century began to be used based on the experience of previous decades, reaching original historicity, that is, the sophists of more than two thousand years ago, it is possible to obtain in a convincing way close, distant and distant origins of this distorting Logic of what we call the Age of Hypermodernity.
- Júlio César Barreto Rocha
- Patrícia Helena dos Santos Carneiro
- Lívia Samila de Oliveira Pinto