Unusual occurrence of Porpita porpita (CNIDARIA: HIDROZOA) on beaches of the Mexican Central Pacific, associated with the Tonga Island Eruption/Tsunami
Se presenta como caso excepcional la presencia masiva del hidrozoario Porpita porpita mejor conocido como Botón Azul en playas localizadas en el Pacífico Transicional Mexicano, como consecuencia directa de la erupción volcánica en Islas Tonga en enero del 2022 y el posterior tsunami provocado por la misma.
Unusual occurrence of Porpita porpita (CNIDARIA: HIDROZOA) on beaches of the Mexican Central Pacific, associated with the Tonga Island Eruption/Tsunami
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.813462414081
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The massive presence of the hydrozoan Porpita porpita, better known as the Blue Button, on beaches located in the Mexican Transitional Pacific is presented as an exceptional case, as a direct consequence of the volcanic eruption in the Tonga Islands in January 2022 and the subsequent tsunami caused by it.
- Victor Landa Jaime
- Luis Bautista Moreno
- Mirella Saucedo Lozano
- Jorge A. Rojo Vazquez