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Primary Care is a means of entry to access to health and is responsible, represented by multidisciplinary teams, for notifying the occurrence or suspicion of violence in a legally mandatory manner (RIBEIRO; SILVA,2018). This form is essential for epidemiological surveillance and in the management of public policies for prevention and social intervention (SOUSA et al.,2020). However, there are challenges in implementing it in this environment, making the system for recording more reliable information unfeasible. Consequently, the creation/maintenance of preventive programs to combat victims of violence in the region are ineffective (RIBEIRO; SILVA, 2018).
This notification is extremely important, given that violence is one of the biggest health problems both in Brazil and in the world, and its consequences can have varying results, ranging from the most serious to death. Among the various bodies competent to report these cases of violence in the single health system (SUS) is the Violence and Accident Surveillance system (VIVA) and the Disease Information and Notification System (SINAN). Therefore, maintaining current and accurate data makes these bodies essential for drawing up an action and prevention plan in the primary care scenario based on an epidemiological and social profile (OLIVEIRA et al., 2020). Therefore, primary care faces several obstacles in the applicability of the mandatory nature of notification in the routine of the multidisciplinary team. In this context, it is significant to detect the main circumstances that lead to this end. Therefore, it is a notoriously harmful phenomenon, as the lack of quality or poor registration of compulsory notification directly interferes with public investment in health (SOUSA et al., 2020).

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Notification; Compulsory; Violence

  • Keywords: Notification; Compulsory; Violence

  • Abstract:

    Primary Care is a means of entry to access to health and is responsible, represented by multidisciplinary teams, for notifying the occurrence or suspicion of violence in a legally mandatory manner (RIBEIRO; SILVA,2018). This form is essential for epidemiological surveillance and in the management of public policies for prevention and social intervention (SOUSA et al.,2020). However, there are challenges in implementing it in this environment, making the system for recording more reliable information unfeasible. Consequently, the creation/maintenance of preventive programs to combat victims of violence in the region are ineffective (RIBEIRO; SILVA, 2018).
    This notification is extremely important, given that violence is one of the biggest health problems both in Brazil and in the world, and its consequences can have varying results, ranging from the most serious to death. Among the various bodies competent to report these cases of violence in the single health system (SUS) is the Violence and Accident Surveillance system (VIVA) and the Disease Information and Notification System (SINAN). Therefore, maintaining current and accurate data makes these bodies essential for drawing up an action and prevention plan in the primary care scenario based on an epidemiological and social profile (OLIVEIRA et al., 2020). Therefore, primary care faces several obstacles in the applicability of the mandatory nature of notification in the routine of the multidisciplinary team. In this context, it is significant to detect the main circumstances that lead to this end. Therefore, it is a notoriously harmful phenomenon, as the lack of quality or poor registration of compulsory notification directly interferes with public investment in health (SOUSA et al., 2020).

  • Bárbara Vitória Lobato Roriz
  • Paulo Alexandrino do Amaral de Azevedo
  • Renan Tadeu Araújo Bührnheim
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