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The use of everyday situations as a tool in the teaching of Veterinary Toxicology

Toxicology is a broad field of study that seeks to understand the harmful effects of substances on living beings. Bearing in mind this concept, the veterinarian must, wisely and responsibly, apply this knowledge in favor of the well-being of all – animals and humans, and seek, within his scope, solutions to conflicts of a social nature. Therefore, part of this process is only possible through the use of real contexts and scenarios, which instigate the student's critical thinking and make him visualize the situation as a whole, so that, in the end, he may be able to apply, in his professional future, the lessons learned during the course.

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The use of everyday situations as a tool in the teaching of Veterinary Toxicology

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973362327041

  • Palavras-chave: Teaching. Daily. Toxicology.

  • Keywords: Teaching. Daily. Toxicology.

  • Abstract:

    Toxicology is a broad field of study that seeks to understand the harmful effects of substances on living beings. Bearing in mind this concept, the veterinarian must, wisely and responsibly, apply this knowledge in favor of the well-being of all – animals and humans, and seek, within his scope, solutions to conflicts of a social nature. Therefore, part of this process is only possible through the use of real contexts and scenarios, which instigate the student's critical thinking and make him visualize the situation as a whole, so that, in the end, he may be able to apply, in his professional future, the lessons learned during the course.

  • Desirée Maria Fontineles Filgueira
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