THE RCNEI AND THE HISTORY BOOK IN THE WASSU-COCAL SCHOOL TERRITORY: pedagogical (dis)paths and perspectives for Indigenous School Education in Alagoas
This work presents the trajectory of indigenous school education, previously intended under hegemonic aegis since colonial times and re-signified by the original peoples in the course of the republican period, demonstrating the institutionalization of hegemonic/pedagogical power since the creation of the apparatus of state agencies directed towards the control/training of indigenous servile bodies to the detriment of the training/maintenance of subjects of rights constituted of their identities, specificities, worldviews and pretensions with indigenous school education and their (re)existences and resistances. The research analyzes the history textbook for Primary School (5th grade) used in indigenous schools in Alagoas, looks at the RCNEI and highlights its importance as a reference point for national society to (re)find and (re)approach its genesis and that of the indigenous peoples, and highlights the pedagogical work of the Special Management of Indigenous School Education - GEEEI of the Department of Education - SEDUC/AL with the preparation of the reference book on the 12 indigenous peoples of Alagoas, which will contribute pedagogically to indigenous school education and conventional education in the state of Alagoas.
THE RCNEI AND THE HISTORY BOOK IN THE WASSU-COCAL SCHOOL TERRITORY: pedagogical (dis)paths and perspectives for Indigenous School Education in Alagoas
Palavras-chave: Indigenous school education; Counter-hegemony; Pegagogies.
Keywords: Indigenous school education; Counter-hegemony; Pegagogies.
This work presents the trajectory of indigenous school education, previously intended under hegemonic aegis since colonial times and re-signified by the original peoples in the course of the republican period, demonstrating the institutionalization of hegemonic/pedagogical power since the creation of the apparatus of state agencies directed towards the control/training of indigenous servile bodies to the detriment of the training/maintenance of subjects of rights constituted of their identities, specificities, worldviews and pretensions with indigenous school education and their (re)existences and resistances. The research analyzes the history textbook for Primary School (5th grade) used in indigenous schools in Alagoas, looks at the RCNEI and highlights its importance as a reference point for national society to (re)find and (re)approach its genesis and that of the indigenous peoples, and highlights the pedagogical work of the Special Management of Indigenous School Education - GEEEI of the Department of Education - SEDUC/AL with the preparation of the reference book on the 12 indigenous peoples of Alagoas, which will contribute pedagogically to indigenous school education and conventional education in the state of Alagoas.