Artigo - Atena Editora


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This experience report presents the use of internal landscaping as a way to implement social business sustainability in the corporate environment, in order to improve the quality of life and reduce the stress and anxiety generated in the work environment, thus interfering in the factors which may be reasons that trigger the burnout syndrome. The introduction explains and mentions issues related to the disease, it also takes into account the neuroscience behind how architectural elements (in this case landscaping) interact with the human brain and sensations, and how they stimulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the body. body. The relationship between the influence of the color green, temperature and humidity, and materials interfering in the behavior of space users are also mentioned, in addition to reminding that human beings need to reconnect with nature in some way. In the description of the experience, we have an interview with a landscaper and owner of a flower shop who tells us about his experiences through the behavior of his clients after purchasing plants or some services related to landscaping, and how plants can help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, even more so in this post pandemic period. In the result and conclusion, we have the moorings of the themes presented in the introduction and reaffirmed by the experiences of customers who purchase some landscaping service, in order to show that the use of plants really is a way to reduce the factors that can generate the burnout syndrome in the future in some employee.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163212330086

  • Palavras-chave: Indoor landscaping. Burnout syndrome. Social Sustainability. Plants. Mental health.

  • Keywords: Indoor landscaping. Burnout syndrome. Social Sustainability. Plants. Mental health.

  • Abstract:

    This experience report presents the use of internal landscaping as a way to implement social business sustainability in the corporate environment, in order to improve the quality of life and reduce the stress and anxiety generated in the work environment, thus interfering in the factors which may be reasons that trigger the burnout syndrome. The introduction explains and mentions issues related to the disease, it also takes into account the neuroscience behind how architectural elements (in this case landscaping) interact with the human brain and sensations, and how they stimulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the body. body. The relationship between the influence of the color green, temperature and humidity, and materials interfering in the behavior of space users are also mentioned, in addition to reminding that human beings need to reconnect with nature in some way. In the description of the experience, we have an interview with a landscaper and owner of a flower shop who tells us about his experiences through the behavior of his clients after purchasing plants or some services related to landscaping, and how plants can help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, even more so in this post pandemic period. In the result and conclusion, we have the moorings of the themes presented in the introduction and reaffirmed by the experiences of customers who purchase some landscaping service, in order to show that the use of plants really is a way to reduce the factors that can generate the burnout syndrome in the future in some employee.

  • Amanda Miky Kawata Numa
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