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The view of the Nurse Specialist in Child and Pediatric Health under the Influence of inappropriate use of screens by children aged 0 to 5 years and the impact on their development

 A negative influence of the use of screens was found on cognitive development, working memory and processing speed, development of socio-emotional skills and problem-solving capacity, language development, communication and social interaction skills, motor development and index of body mass. Symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity, problematic behaviors and later symptoms of autism spectrum disorder were also associated. As positive aspects, if the content viewed is of quality, a positive influence on educational values, expansion of vocabulary at key ages, offering of diverse experiences, exposure to cultural and linguistic diversity and as entertainment in a safe place can be found. Conclusion: Screens negatively influence child development when used abusively, however they can also produce positive effects if used appropriately.

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The view of the Nurse Specialist in Child and Pediatric Health under the Influence of inappropriate use of screens by children aged 0 to 5 years and the impact on their development

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Child development, screen time, nursing

  • Keywords: Child development, screen time, nursing

  • Abstract:

     A negative influence of the use of screens was found on cognitive development, working memory and processing speed, development of socio-emotional skills and problem-solving capacity, language development, communication and social interaction skills, motor development and index of body mass. Symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity, problematic behaviors and later symptoms of autism spectrum disorder were also associated. As positive aspects, if the content viewed is of quality, a positive influence on educational values, expansion of vocabulary at key ages, offering of diverse experiences, exposure to cultural and linguistic diversity and as entertainment in a safe place can be found. Conclusion: Screens negatively influence child development when used abusively, however they can also produce positive effects if used appropriately.

  • Maria Antonia Fernandes Caeiro Chora
  • Ana Lucia Caeiro Ramos
  • Carmen Viviana Cortes
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