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H. Blumer's methodological naturalism: on the notion of “sensitizing concepts” in Communication research

The research strategy called naturalistic, in the terms originally proposed by H. Blumer, is rescued in this article seeking to explore the scope of its contributions to contemporary Communication studies. Blumer's pragmatic conceptions about collective behavior, science and research methodology are often misinterpreted in the academic environment as subjective and unscientific. The argument of this work, on the contrary, is that Blumer's avant-garde thought deserves to be revisited to rethink the complexity of the processes and products of social interactions in the online world in the light of more flexible, dynamic epistemological perspectives, consistent with the empirical nature of new phenomena of social organization.

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H. Blumer's methodological naturalism: on the notion of “sensitizing concepts” in Communication research

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163322322115

  • Palavras-chave: Methodological naturalism. Sensitizing concepts. H. Blumer. Communication.

  • Keywords: Methodological naturalism. Sensitizing concepts. H. Blumer. Communication.

  • Abstract:

    The research strategy called naturalistic, in the terms originally proposed by H. Blumer, is rescued in this article seeking to explore the scope of its contributions to contemporary Communication studies. Blumer's pragmatic conceptions about collective behavior, science and research methodology are often misinterpreted in the academic environment as subjective and unscientific. The argument of this work, on the contrary, is that Blumer's avant-garde thought deserves to be revisited to rethink the complexity of the processes and products of social interactions in the online world in the light of more flexible, dynamic epistemological perspectives, consistent with the empirical nature of new phenomena of social organization.

  • Telma Sueli Pinto Johnson
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