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Abortion is a complex issue that raises intense ethical and moral debates, especially with regard to the responsibility and role of the doctor in this context. To understand the relationship between the doctor and abortion, it is crucial to define what it means to be a doctor, the concept of life, the definition of abortion itself and how the doctor should act in this situation. According to the dictionary, history and literature, a doctor is a qualified health professional trained to take care of the health of patients, acting as an agent of relief for suffering. Throughout history, the medical profession has evolved significantly, going from a time when doctors also worked as barbers, to a technical, ethical, moral practice rooted in in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and medical specialties. This evolution aligns with technological and scientific advances in medicine. It is possible to see the human body as a musical instrument, and the doctor as the one who adjusts it and rekindles the will to live. However, to understand who treats life, it is essential to also understand the concept of life. Life has diverse ethical, religious, scientific and personal definitions and implications, but when addressing health issues, it is essential to consider scientific criteria (such as embryological, genetic, neurological, ecological and metabolic), legal (such as the Federal Constitution) and ethical criteria. (such as the Code of Medical Ethics). Abortion can be defined as the premature interruption, natural or induced, of the gestation process, resulting in the expulsion of the fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Given this, the doctor should not be limited in his options for action. The law protects it in specific cases in which abortion is permitted – fetal anencephaly, risk to the mother's life or rape – even if, in general, it is considered a crime. However, the doctor is also legally and ethically protected not to perform an abortion unless the pregnant woman's life is at risk and failure to perform it could cause harm to the patient's health.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Abortion; doctor; ethic.

  • Keywords: Abortion; doctor; ethic.

  • Abstract:

    Abortion is a complex issue that raises intense ethical and moral debates, especially with regard to the responsibility and role of the doctor in this context. To understand the relationship between the doctor and abortion, it is crucial to define what it means to be a doctor, the concept of life, the definition of abortion itself and how the doctor should act in this situation. According to the dictionary, history and literature, a doctor is a qualified health professional trained to take care of the health of patients, acting as an agent of relief for suffering. Throughout history, the medical profession has evolved significantly, going from a time when doctors also worked as barbers, to a technical, ethical, moral practice rooted in in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and medical specialties. This evolution aligns with technological and scientific advances in medicine. It is possible to see the human body as a musical instrument, and the doctor as the one who adjusts it and rekindles the will to live. However, to understand who treats life, it is essential to also understand the concept of life. Life has diverse ethical, religious, scientific and personal definitions and implications, but when addressing health issues, it is essential to consider scientific criteria (such as embryological, genetic, neurological, ecological and metabolic), legal (such as the Federal Constitution) and ethical criteria. (such as the Code of Medical Ethics). Abortion can be defined as the premature interruption, natural or induced, of the gestation process, resulting in the expulsion of the fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Given this, the doctor should not be limited in his options for action. The law protects it in specific cases in which abortion is permitted – fetal anencephaly, risk to the mother's life or rape – even if, in general, it is considered a crime. However, the doctor is also legally and ethically protected not to perform an abortion unless the pregnant woman's life is at risk and failure to perform it could cause harm to the patient's health.

  • Bruno Oliveira Martins da Silva
  • Marcelo Henrique de Almeida
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