Artigo - Atena Editora


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In this work, we intend to detect the occurrence of stereotypical misunderstandings in online conversations (e-conversations). To this end, we selected two interactional segments made up of tweets, with the aim of observing, in light of the theoretical foundations of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, the organization mechanism of the discursive sequences in which this misunderstanding occurs, verifying its causes and, consequently, describe the procedures that participants use, in the negotiation and/or problem solution cycle, in the ongoing interaction. In the analysis, we found that the segments analyzed expose the same structural pattern that is revealed in face-to-face conversations, that is, the phenomenon of stereotypical misunderstanding manifests itself predominantly in the interval between the origin turn and the problem repair turn. We also observed that communicative partners tend to adopt metaformulative procedures in an attempt to clarify misunderstandings and, eventually, achieve (inter)understanding in their discursive practices in the digital context.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: e-conversation; tweets; misunderstanding; negotiation; (inter)understanding.

  • Keywords: e-conversation; tweets; misunderstanding; negotiation; (inter)understanding.

  • Abstract:

    In this work, we intend to detect the occurrence of stereotypical misunderstandings in online conversations (e-conversations). To this end, we selected two interactional segments made up of tweets, with the aim of observing, in light of the theoretical foundations of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, the organization mechanism of the discursive sequences in which this misunderstanding occurs, verifying its causes and, consequently, describe the procedures that participants use, in the negotiation and/or problem solution cycle, in the ongoing interaction. In the analysis, we found that the segments analyzed expose the same structural pattern that is revealed in face-to-face conversations, that is, the phenomenon of stereotypical misunderstanding manifests itself predominantly in the interval between the origin turn and the problem repair turn. We also observed that communicative partners tend to adopt metaformulative procedures in an attempt to clarify misunderstandings and, eventually, achieve (inter)understanding in their discursive practices in the digital context.

  • Débora Cristina Longo Andrade
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