Artigo - Atena Editora


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Goal:To identify psychic impairments suffered by nursing professionals as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: This study was conducted by an integrative review survey. To carry out the research, the databases of the Virtual Health Library were used, integrating the Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF) and Digital Scientific Electronic Library Online ( SciELO). Result:The spread of COVID-19 on a global scale has generated impacts around the world, saturating health systems and bringing unprecedented changes in the field of work. As a result, the possible effects on the mental health of the professional are noted, especially those who work on the front line to combat the pandemic, facing daily pressures and the stigmas of the profession. However, the psychological damages for this population are capable of transcending the current moment, being able to generate traumas with medium and long-term duration and as these have provided psychological damages to health professionals even after they leave the work environment. Currently, among health professionals, there is a significant increase in depressive disorders, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, acute stress and Burnout syndrome.Conclusion:It is important that in institutions that train health professionals, there are disciplines that address the topic, so that the future professional is already prepared in case a situation like the one we are experiencing occurs. And that hospitals create programs for psychological monitoring of their employees who worked on the front line, and that governments and their health areas create campaigns aimed at promoting improvement in the quality of life of these professionals.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592542216099

  • Palavras-chave: Covid-19, Mental health, Impact on nursing.

  • Keywords: Covid-19, Mental health, Impact on nursing.

  • Abstract:

    Goal:To identify psychic impairments suffered by nursing professionals as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: This study was conducted by an integrative review survey. To carry out the research, the databases of the Virtual Health Library were used, integrating the Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF) and Digital Scientific Electronic Library Online ( SciELO). Result:The spread of COVID-19 on a global scale has generated impacts around the world, saturating health systems and bringing unprecedented changes in the field of work. As a result, the possible effects on the mental health of the professional are noted, especially those who work on the front line to combat the pandemic, facing daily pressures and the stigmas of the profession. However, the psychological damages for this population are capable of transcending the current moment, being able to generate traumas with medium and long-term duration and as these have provided psychological damages to health professionals even after they leave the work environment. Currently, among health professionals, there is a significant increase in depressive disorders, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, acute stress and Burnout syndrome.Conclusion:It is important that in institutions that train health professionals, there are disciplines that address the topic, so that the future professional is already prepared in case a situation like the one we are experiencing occurs. And that hospitals create programs for psychological monitoring of their employees who worked on the front line, and that governments and their health areas create campaigns aimed at promoting improvement in the quality of life of these professionals.

  • Felipe Teclo Moreira
  • Rafael Eduardo Lourenço Pine
  • Everson dos Santos
  • Marcia Cristina Nobukuni
  • Alana Cristina da Silveira
  • Guilherme Pereira Silva
  • Taine Lorrayne Siqueira de Brito
  • Gabriela Helena Pine Américo
  • Damaris Antoniole Asoo Coelho
  • Sâmia Larissa de Lima Vale
  • Murillo Afonso Lessa
  • Evelyn Ferreira da Silva
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