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With the increase in the elderly population, some measures need to be taken to ensure that they have quality of life and thus can continue to be part of society as active individuals. Innovations in care, health and leisure service platforms, allow you to continue with your projects, plans and dreams without losing the spark of living new experiences. We sought to identify the personal life projects of the elderly in different spaces of time. This is a literature review. Performed in the databases: Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) and Pubmed (US National Library of Medicine), in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It resulted in 12 selected articles. The elderly who attend community centers are mostly women and these, since antiquity, have shown to be more careful with their health, their physical, psychological and emotional well-being. There is a need to attract elderly men to social movements, transform their routines, share memories, recreate new memories, create interpersonal bonds, perform physical activities, encourage cognitive stimuli with activities of cultivation, reading, among others, contributing so that they can have quality of life. The elderly population can be characterized into two groups: elderly people who would like to enjoy new events and those who believe that projects and new goals are for young people. Taking into account all these aspects, that aging is something natural and unique, varying from person to person, that life projects can exist more briefly, in a short or long period of time, being an individual choice and that depends on factors external factors, it is important that quality of life is offered and that investments are provided so that the elderly can continue actively to achieve personal, family and social goals.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159342318015

  • Palavras-chave: Aging, quality of life, elderly.

  • Keywords: Aging, quality of life, elderly.

  • Abstract:

    With the increase in the elderly population, some measures need to be taken to ensure that they have quality of life and thus can continue to be part of society as active individuals. Innovations in care, health and leisure service platforms, allow you to continue with your projects, plans and dreams without losing the spark of living new experiences. We sought to identify the personal life projects of the elderly in different spaces of time. This is a literature review. Performed in the databases: Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) and Pubmed (US National Library of Medicine), in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It resulted in 12 selected articles. The elderly who attend community centers are mostly women and these, since antiquity, have shown to be more careful with their health, their physical, psychological and emotional well-being. There is a need to attract elderly men to social movements, transform their routines, share memories, recreate new memories, create interpersonal bonds, perform physical activities, encourage cognitive stimuli with activities of cultivation, reading, among others, contributing so that they can have quality of life. The elderly population can be characterized into two groups: elderly people who would like to enjoy new events and those who believe that projects and new goals are for young people. Taking into account all these aspects, that aging is something natural and unique, varying from person to person, that life projects can exist more briefly, in a short or long period of time, being an individual choice and that depends on factors external factors, it is important that quality of life is offered and that investments are provided so that the elderly can continue actively to achieve personal, family and social goals.

  • Cássia Rozária da Silva Souza
  • Mônica Andréia Lopez Lima
  • Rebeca Cardoso Castro
  • Thaynara Ramires de Farias Carvalho
  • Naelly Gonçalves do Nascimento
  • Vanusa do Nascimento
  • Hibelfran Alfaia Damasceno
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