Artigo - Atena Editora


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Peer mentoring is a helping process in which a more advanced undergraduate student helps a beginner and proposes to enable the development of all the actors involved in the process. Although the main focus is the mentee, it is known that this process is not limited to the formation of the mentee, bringing significant benefits to the facilitators, the mentors. In addition, in this model, teachers (tutors) participate helping mentors in planning meetings, this relationship is very important for the development of the veteran student. Objective: to evaluate the mentor's perception in the peer mentoring process and how it helps him/her in personal, academic and professional development. Method: a quantitative and qualitative research was carried out with objective and discursive questions, statistically analyzed and divided into categories by Minayo's thematic content analysis. Conclusions of the work: the main skills developed and considered by the mentors as most relevant were communication, empathy, oratory, group dynamics, planning and leadership. Through discourse analysis, three categories were found: Personal development; Academic and professional skills; Reflections on mental health. Thus, it was observed that mentors have the opportunity to develop important skills for their personal and professional development. Reaffirming that mentoring does not only produce benefits for the mentee, but also for the facilitator of the process, the mentor.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582372228115

  • Palavras-chave: Mentoring mentors. Mental health.

  • Keywords: Mentoring mentors. Mental health.

  • Abstract:

    Peer mentoring is a helping process in which a more advanced undergraduate student helps a beginner and proposes to enable the development of all the actors involved in the process. Although the main focus is the mentee, it is known that this process is not limited to the formation of the mentee, bringing significant benefits to the facilitators, the mentors. In addition, in this model, teachers (tutors) participate helping mentors in planning meetings, this relationship is very important for the development of the veteran student. Objective: to evaluate the mentor's perception in the peer mentoring process and how it helps him/her in personal, academic and professional development. Method: a quantitative and qualitative research was carried out with objective and discursive questions, statistically analyzed and divided into categories by Minayo's thematic content analysis. Conclusions of the work: the main skills developed and considered by the mentors as most relevant were communication, empathy, oratory, group dynamics, planning and leadership. Through discourse analysis, three categories were found: Personal development; Academic and professional skills; Reflections on mental health. Thus, it was observed that mentors have the opportunity to develop important skills for their personal and professional development. Reaffirming that mentoring does not only produce benefits for the mentee, but also for the facilitator of the process, the mentor.

  • Dayane Patricia Ferreira Menezes
  • Maria dos Milagres Fernandes Diniz Chaves
  • Bruna Raquel Bezerra Félix
  • Lázaro Fabrício de França Souza
  • Taciano Amaral Sorrentino
  • Victor Santos Carvalho Carneiro
  • Lucas Christyan da Rocha Oliveira
  • Mariana Ribeiro de Paula
  • Larissa Fernandes Nogueira Ganças
  • Pedro Henrique Silva Ribeiro
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