During the selection process for a job in a company, the psychologist performs, through various evaluative methods, the capacities and competences that the person has, in order to see if he has the requirements for the job vacancy. In the face of assessments, interviews and other evaluation methods, two types of skills to be assessed are relevant: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are acquired through training, experience and studies in order to improve skill in a specific area, where they are required when hiring a person for the practical part of the job, such as having knowledge of programming or driving a particular vehicle. While soft skills are the skills that a person develops in their personal life and through lived experiences, skills that cannot be measured or evaluated in the first instance, but which are extremely important, such as the ability to communicate in group or the ability to lead. Over time, companies ended up giving more importance to soft skills, an importance that not all job seekers end up considering or even knowing about, which ends up harming both the employee and the contractor. In conclusion, it was possible to notice that hard skills are easier to assess and are as important as soft skills, which are evaluated and noticed during the day to day and through specific psychological assessments, where they end up complementing each other and generating then a better working and production environment in the company.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582312205101
Palavras-chave: process, selection, recruitment
Keywords: process, selection, recruitment
During the selection process for a job in a company, the psychologist performs, through various evaluative methods, the capacities and competences that the person has, in order to see if he has the requirements for the job vacancy. In the face of assessments, interviews and other evaluation methods, two types of skills to be assessed are relevant: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are acquired through training, experience and studies in order to improve skill in a specific area, where they are required when hiring a person for the practical part of the job, such as having knowledge of programming or driving a particular vehicle. While soft skills are the skills that a person develops in their personal life and through lived experiences, skills that cannot be measured or evaluated in the first instance, but which are extremely important, such as the ability to communicate in group or the ability to lead. Over time, companies ended up giving more importance to soft skills, an importance that not all job seekers end up considering or even knowing about, which ends up harming both the employee and the contractor. In conclusion, it was possible to notice that hard skills are easier to assess and are as important as soft skills, which are evaluated and noticed during the day to day and through specific psychological assessments, where they end up complementing each other and generating then a better working and production environment in the company.
- Gabriel da Silva Nascimento