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Arco Norte as a viable alternative for grain distribution in the Midwest: investments and infrastructure

Arco Norte is a logistics system that involves ports, highways and railroads in the Amazon region. It has stimulated agricultural growth in the main producing region of Brazil (Midwest) due to the reduction in logistical costs. The Arco Norte corridor passes through several ports, with its strongest point in Santarém due to its connection with the BR-163/PA highway. The use of this system has increased from 8% to 20% in the last five years, making it a viable alternative for distributing products in the Midwest region. The development of the Arco Norte plan aims to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian soybeans in the international market. For this, it is necessary to adapt the infrastructure for the efficient and sustainable transport of goods. Key factors include the completion of the BR-163/PA, improvements in the efficiency of the BR-364/RO and the restoration of the BR-155/PA and BR-158/PA highways, the construction of Ferrogrão and the development of waterways. The BR-163 highway is the main focus of this plan, and its improvement could benefit the transport of goods to other ports in the system at lower costs. The study used data from the ANTAQ agency from 2018 to 2022 and focused on the long-distance transport of soybeans. The research highlights the importance of investment in infrastructure for the economic development of the region.

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Arco Norte as a viable alternative for grain distribution in the Midwest: investments and infrastructure

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173122324048

  • Palavras-chave: Arco Norte, logistics system, multimodal, infrastructure, soy.

  • Keywords: Arco Norte, logistics system, multimodal, infrastructure, soy.

  • Abstract:

    Arco Norte is a logistics system that involves ports, highways and railroads in the Amazon region. It has stimulated agricultural growth in the main producing region of Brazil (Midwest) due to the reduction in logistical costs. The Arco Norte corridor passes through several ports, with its strongest point in Santarém due to its connection with the BR-163/PA highway. The use of this system has increased from 8% to 20% in the last five years, making it a viable alternative for distributing products in the Midwest region. The development of the Arco Norte plan aims to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian soybeans in the international market. For this, it is necessary to adapt the infrastructure for the efficient and sustainable transport of goods. Key factors include the completion of the BR-163/PA, improvements in the efficiency of the BR-364/RO and the restoration of the BR-155/PA and BR-158/PA highways, the construction of Ferrogrão and the development of waterways. The BR-163 highway is the main focus of this plan, and its improvement could benefit the transport of goods to other ports in the system at lower costs. The study used data from the ANTAQ agency from 2018 to 2022 and focused on the long-distance transport of soybeans. The research highlights the importance of investment in infrastructure for the economic development of the region.

  • Guilherme Silveira Simões
  • Andressa Rosário Pimentel Soares
  • Érica Cristina Dos Santos Bueno
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