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Characterize the relationship between the caregiver and the elderly person and the role of the pastoral agent in caring for the elderly and the family relationship. Descriptive-exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, applied through an interview script to 26 Community Pastoral Agents, 18 agents from the Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa (PPI) and 08 from the Pastoral da Saúde (PS). The results were worked on from the perspective of content analysis in two stages: Organization of information arranged in a database in Excel Spreadsheet and Classification of data by Categorical Content Analysis. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of ‘’Universidade Estadual do Amazonas’’ under CAAE number: 13352019.1.0000.5016. The role of the pastoral agent converges to qualified listening, family relationships and guidance to the elderly, caregivers and family members regarding care for the elderly. The caregiver needs to know how to listen. This caregiver role is developed mostly by family members who also need to have their demands and anxieties effectively heard. The guidelines provided by pastoral agents during home visits can contribute positively to promoting the health of both.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159372321017

  • Palavras-chave: Elderly. Elderly Health. Family relationships. Standard of Care.

  • Keywords: Elderly. Elderly Health. Family relationships. Standard of Care.

  • Abstract:

    Characterize the relationship between the caregiver and the elderly person and the role of the pastoral agent in caring for the elderly and the family relationship. Descriptive-exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, applied through an interview script to 26 Community Pastoral Agents, 18 agents from the Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa (PPI) and 08 from the Pastoral da Saúde (PS). The results were worked on from the perspective of content analysis in two stages: Organization of information arranged in a database in Excel Spreadsheet and Classification of data by Categorical Content Analysis. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of ‘’Universidade Estadual do Amazonas’’ under CAAE number: 13352019.1.0000.5016. The role of the pastoral agent converges to qualified listening, family relationships and guidance to the elderly, caregivers and family members regarding care for the elderly. The caregiver needs to know how to listen. This caregiver role is developed mostly by family members who also need to have their demands and anxieties effectively heard. The guidelines provided by pastoral agents during home visits can contribute positively to promoting the health of both.

  • Cássia Rozária da Silva Souza
  • Hibelfran Alfaia Damasceno
  • Marianina Cerbina Grisi Pessoa Costa
  • Mônica Andréia Lopez Lima
  • Rebeca Cardoso Castro
  • Thaynara Ramires de Farias Carvalho
  • Naelly Gonçalves do Nascimento
  • Jéssica da Silva Teixeira
  • Jéssica Rayre de Oliveira Belo
  • Juliane Cruz de Sena
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