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This article aims to study the importance of the social worker's work as an environmental educator. The study follows its line of considerations proposing to contribute with information related to the environment, for this it follows the methodology of bibliographic research and analysis of studies through articles and books already published. On the world stage and specifically in Brazil, the environmental issue has become something of concern for humanity. It is no longer a topic that interests only environmentalists or people linked to ecological issues, to be seen as a problem that permeates the entire society. The environmental issue involves, above all, the awareness that the preservation of the environment is something that we urgently need, of a daily practice that integrates cultural issues of a personal and professional nature, thus crossing environmental issues. It is necessary to discuss the role of the Social Worker in relation to the social issue. As an eye directed to the social sphere, we have the Social Service, which, in a more technical way, has family relationships with environmental issues. Article 3, paragraph d, of the Code of Professional Ethics provides that Social Workers “have a duty to participate in programs to help the population in a situation of public calamity”. The involvement of professionals in actions to support the affected population is of total ethical and political relevance, however, it is necessary that professionals exercise their duties in line with the Ethical-Political Project, preventing actions from falling into welfarism and following the guidelines of the regulations.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582332218107

  • Palavras-chave: Social Worker; Environment; Environmental Social Movement.

  • Keywords: Social Worker; Environment; Environmental Social Movement.

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to study the importance of the social worker's work as an environmental educator. The study follows its line of considerations proposing to contribute with information related to the environment, for this it follows the methodology of bibliographic research and analysis of studies through articles and books already published. On the world stage and specifically in Brazil, the environmental issue has become something of concern for humanity. It is no longer a topic that interests only environmentalists or people linked to ecological issues, to be seen as a problem that permeates the entire society. The environmental issue involves, above all, the awareness that the preservation of the environment is something that we urgently need, of a daily practice that integrates cultural issues of a personal and professional nature, thus crossing environmental issues. It is necessary to discuss the role of the Social Worker in relation to the social issue. As an eye directed to the social sphere, we have the Social Service, which, in a more technical way, has family relationships with environmental issues. Article 3, paragraph d, of the Code of Professional Ethics provides that Social Workers “have a duty to participate in programs to help the population in a situation of public calamity”. The involvement of professionals in actions to support the affected population is of total ethical and political relevance, however, it is necessary that professionals exercise their duties in line with the Ethical-Political Project, preventing actions from falling into welfarism and following the guidelines of the regulations.

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