Introduction: Nurses in their specializations to develop quality in their careers and invest in their own entrepreneurship are investing in aesthetic procedures as a recognition of opportunities in the job market. Procedures that, according to Resolution No. 529/2016 governed by Cofen, regulates the nursing professional to practice aesthetic procedures. In nursing, entrepreneurship is essential to develop autonomy, independence, innovation, proactivity, self-confidence and responsibility. Objective: To carry out an integrative review of the literature, withpurpose of gathering and summarizing studies, thus allowing to reach general conclusions on the subject, having as specific objectives: To discuss the entrepreneurship of nursing in aesthetics, to demonstrate the importance of the discipline of entrepreneurship in graduation and to describe which procedures can be performed by the nurse in the area of aesthetics Methodology: Publications available in full in Portuguese were included, published from 2017 to 2022, which addressed nursing entrepreneurship in aesthetics. Electronic databases were used: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Articles published before 2017, research in English and those that were outside the proposed theme were excluded. Result: A final sample of 08 (eight) national articles was obtained. The entrepreneurship of nursing in aesthetics, the importance of the undergraduate entrepreneurship discipline and the procedures performed by nurses in the area of aesthetics were evidenced. Conclusion: It is noted that nursing active in aesthetics has grown considerably today, many professionals in search of autonomy and a more promising job market seek the venture in aesthetics, and this line of study is of paramount importance since graduation, for so that professionals aligned with technical and scientific knowledge can be trained to act in the job market according to their legal competences.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592322223067
Palavras-chave: Entrepreneurship in health. Aesthetics in nursing.Undergraduate entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship in health. Aesthetics in nursing.Undergraduate entrepreneurship.
Introduction: Nurses in their specializations to develop quality in their careers and invest in their own entrepreneurship are investing in aesthetic procedures as a recognition of opportunities in the job market. Procedures that, according to Resolution No. 529/2016 governed by Cofen, regulates the nursing professional to practice aesthetic procedures. In nursing, entrepreneurship is essential to develop autonomy, independence, innovation, proactivity, self-confidence and responsibility. Objective: To carry out an integrative review of the literature, withpurpose of gathering and summarizing studies, thus allowing to reach general conclusions on the subject, having as specific objectives: To discuss the entrepreneurship of nursing in aesthetics, to demonstrate the importance of the discipline of entrepreneurship in graduation and to describe which procedures can be performed by the nurse in the area of aesthetics Methodology: Publications available in full in Portuguese were included, published from 2017 to 2022, which addressed nursing entrepreneurship in aesthetics. Electronic databases were used: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Articles published before 2017, research in English and those that were outside the proposed theme were excluded. Result: A final sample of 08 (eight) national articles was obtained. The entrepreneurship of nursing in aesthetics, the importance of the undergraduate entrepreneurship discipline and the procedures performed by nurses in the area of aesthetics were evidenced. Conclusion: It is noted that nursing active in aesthetics has grown considerably today, many professionals in search of autonomy and a more promising job market seek the venture in aesthetics, and this line of study is of paramount importance since graduation, for so that professionals aligned with technical and scientific knowledge can be trained to act in the job market according to their legal competences.
Número de páginas: 10
- Gilnara Frazão Sousa
- Silmara Ribeiro Batista Rodrigues