New Option for Reliable Fast Indirect Volumetry: the XYZ GEO Method
New Option for Reliable Fast Indirect Volumetry: the XYZ GEO Method
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593992304126
Palavras-chave: Volumetría Indirecta, Planimetría, Radiocirugía, Gamma Knife, Tumores Cerebrales.
Keywords: Indirect Volumetry, Planimetry, Radiosurgery, Gamma Knife, Brain Tumors.
Objectives: present a simple, fast and reliable method to determine the volume of brain pathologies by applying the formula of the geometric figure that best fits the lesion studied. Material and method: retrospective study on 403 tumor lesions of different histology found in 172 patients treated by radiosurgery at the Dominican Gamma Knife Center (CGKD), using 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla MRI images with thin cuts for three-dimensional reconstruction. The volume of each of them was determined following the voxel method (planimetry) in which the edges of the lesion are painted in each slice. We immediately proceeded to determine if the lesion was Ellipsoidal, Cubic, Cuboid or other. More than 98% of the lesions were ellipsoid-shaped, about 1% were cubic. Applying the formula of the figure in question in each case and starting from the center of the structure, the XYZ diameters used internationally to define the stereotactic dimensions of the space were drawn. Thus, the Theoretical Volume was determined, which was compared to the Real Volume of each lesion using the Student's T Test to establish the Mean between two measurements, then they were correlated using the Wilcoxon Test and the Spearman's Rang Test. Results: If the lesion was ellipsoidal and we used the correct formula, the result was close to 93% of the Real Volume. If the Ellipsoid formula was applied to a cubic lesion, we obtained 178% of the Real Volume. If a Cubic lesion was measured with the corresponding formula, the result only exceeded the Real Volume by 12%. Conclusion: the XYZ Geo Method offers an option for rapid indirect volumetry very close to the real volume of the intracranial lesion if the geometric formula that best defines the lesion studied is applied, respecting the principles established for measuring its diameters on an imaging platform with option to calculate the three dimensions of stereotactic space (XYZ).
- Santiago Valenzuela Sosa
- Peralta I
- Valenzuela MA
- Fermín R
- Speckter H
- Bidó J
- Hernández G
- Suazo E
- Rivera D
- García J
- Mármol F