Artigo - Atena Editora


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Traditional African culture has been recorded in several written texts as a way of valuing oral customs. Niketche is the recreational and detailed narration of some of the Mozambican sociocultural rites, which, in the course of each chapter of this fictional work, the author, Paulina Chiziane, makes a fruitful interconnection that remains meticulous, in the description of the representative scenarios of the customs of the oral tradition existing in that territory. from the school of learning of the woman's initiation rite, the types of marriage, the supposed death of the spouse to the inheritance of the wife by the younger brother are part of the representation of this fictional story of African nature. The work in question brings a description of the real traditional world, of the multicultural rites existing in that circumcision of various ethnocultural groups in cohabitation with the western customs experienced in urban areas, which in a way conflict with contemporaneity. The present investigation was part of our doctoral research and its main objective is to demonstrate the sociocultural rites that are part of the elements of Bantu culture in this work as a representation of rituality that are factors of coexistence of sociocultural diversity in African societies. This study will seek to argue the theory of traditional Bantu culture by Altuna (2014), Bâ (1997), Leite (1998) and Vansina (2010), in a qualitative and bibliographic perspective.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929272226104

  • Palavras-chave: Culture; Tradition; rites.

  • Keywords: Culture; Tradition; rites.

  • Abstract:

    Traditional African culture has been recorded in several written texts as a way of valuing oral customs. Niketche is the recreational and detailed narration of some of the Mozambican sociocultural rites, which, in the course of each chapter of this fictional work, the author, Paulina Chiziane, makes a fruitful interconnection that remains meticulous, in the description of the representative scenarios of the customs of the oral tradition existing in that territory. from the school of learning of the woman's initiation rite, the types of marriage, the supposed death of the spouse to the inheritance of the wife by the younger brother are part of the representation of this fictional story of African nature. The work in question brings a description of the real traditional world, of the multicultural rites existing in that circumcision of various ethnocultural groups in cohabitation with the western customs experienced in urban areas, which in a way conflict with contemporaneity. The present investigation was part of our doctoral research and its main objective is to demonstrate the sociocultural rites that are part of the elements of Bantu culture in this work as a representation of rituality that are factors of coexistence of sociocultural diversity in African societies. This study will seek to argue the theory of traditional Bantu culture by Altuna (2014), Bâ (1997), Leite (1998) and Vansina (2010), in a qualitative and bibliographic perspective.

  • Esperança Madalena Luieca Ferraz
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