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Neuropathic pain in COVID-19 infection: A systematic review

Introduction: Neuropathic pain is a symptom present in COVID-19 infections. It is known that patients infected by the virus develop some type of neurological impairment, so neuropathic pain may appear as a possible manifestation of the disease. With this, this article aims to demonstrate how this symptom appears in the sick and emphasize the importance of the topic act since it is a new and still poorly understood disease. Methodology: Systematic review of studies published from March, 2019 to January, 2020 from the Scielo, Lilacs and PubMed databases. Results: A sample of articles was performed after implementing the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The studies were published between 2021 and 2022. All articles were found on Pubmed, while other sources from sources such as Scielo and Lilacs did not bring results. The presence of several neuropathies between 7.69%-24.8% in the selected studies. Depression presented a possible relationship with our patients. Most of the patients were in the intensive care unit. Conclusions: A strong relationship was observed between COVID-19 infection and some type of pain syndrome. Neuropathic pain was not very present.


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Neuropathic pain in COVID-19 infection: A systematic review

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592292208062

  • Palavras-chave: Neuropathic pain, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Chronic pain

  • Keywords: Neuropathic pain, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Chronic pain

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Neuropathic pain is a symptom present in COVID-19 infections. It is known that patients infected by the virus develop some type of neurological impairment, so neuropathic pain may appear as a possible manifestation of the disease. With this, this article aims to demonstrate how this symptom appears in the sick and emphasize the importance of the topic act since it is a new and still poorly understood disease. Methodology: Systematic review of studies published from March, 2019 to January, 2020 from the Scielo, Lilacs and PubMed databases. Results: A sample of articles was performed after implementing the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The studies were published between 2021 and 2022. All articles were found on Pubmed, while other sources from sources such as Scielo and Lilacs did not bring results. The presence of several neuropathies between 7.69%-24.8% in the selected studies. Depression presented a possible relationship with our patients. Most of the patients were in the intensive care unit. Conclusions: A strong relationship was observed between COVID-19 infection and some type of pain syndrome. Neuropathic pain was not very present.


  • Número de páginas: 8

  • Denison Santos Silva
  • José Genivaldo Santos Andrande
  • Ludiane Matos Garcia Sampaio
  • Paulo Henrique Fontes de Macedo
  • Nathália Teles Fontes
  • Moisés Silva de Amorim
  • Rômulo Carvalho Costa
  • Johnathan Rafael Lima de Almeida Santos
  • Ana Vitória Góis de Oliveira Rabelo
  • Mariana Fonseca Santana
  • Dante Costa de Araújo
  • Victor Araujo de Oliveira Polycarpo
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