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The approach to socio-emotional skills in the field of education is marked by a process of change in society as well as the need to consider the integrality of the human being. This way, the premise for living in modernity indicates an intrinsic relationship which enters the public policy scenario. Currently, neuroscience discoveries demonstrate that emotions have become recognized as fundamental to teaching and learning. Knowing how the human brain works, knowing that emotions participate positively in human development, but that they can also hinder it, is an essential tool for those who deal with the learning process. Thus, the definition of the research problem raises several questions, which aim to guide the understanding of the research object, among them: How can socio-emotional skills contribute to the teacher developing and using methodological strategies? What are the contributions of neurosciences to teaching planning? To answer the research problem, the present study is justified by the teachers' lack of knowledge about the neurophysiology of learning as well as the socio-emotional aspects involved in the main failures in the teaching-learning binomial. To this end, the proposal for continued training was anchored in hermeneutic reflection of a qualitative nature as an epistemological paradigm in a collaborative approach with a view to continued and systemic actions based on the understanding of the brain and its interfaces in the development of cognitive and emotional learning.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15939423161110

  • Palavras-chave: Neurosciences, Skills, Socio-emotional, Education.

  • Keywords: Neurosciences, Skills, Socio-emotional, Education.

  • Abstract:

    The approach to socio-emotional skills in the field of education is marked by a process of change in society as well as the need to consider the integrality of the human being. This way, the premise for living in modernity indicates an intrinsic relationship which enters the public policy scenario. Currently, neuroscience discoveries demonstrate that emotions have become recognized as fundamental to teaching and learning. Knowing how the human brain works, knowing that emotions participate positively in human development, but that they can also hinder it, is an essential tool for those who deal with the learning process. Thus, the definition of the research problem raises several questions, which aim to guide the understanding of the research object, among them: How can socio-emotional skills contribute to the teacher developing and using methodological strategies? What are the contributions of neurosciences to teaching planning? To answer the research problem, the present study is justified by the teachers' lack of knowledge about the neurophysiology of learning as well as the socio-emotional aspects involved in the main failures in the teaching-learning binomial. To this end, the proposal for continued training was anchored in hermeneutic reflection of a qualitative nature as an epistemological paradigm in a collaborative approach with a view to continued and systemic actions based on the understanding of the brain and its interfaces in the development of cognitive and emotional learning.

  • Douglas Pereira da Silva
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