Artigo - Atena Editora


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Nelson Faria - (auto)biographical narrative of a music teacher

This work presents a synthesis of the master's research project in progress that focuses on investigating Nelson Faria's life story as a music teacher. It also results from a research of the “state of knowledge” type in the academic production of theses and dissertations on self (biography), life narrative and music. The specific objectives highlighted are the quest to know aspects of his formative process and path, as a musician and teacher, and how he sees himself from his formative experiences throughout his career. The formative experience was taken from the studies of Marie Christine Josso (2004). The theoretical-methodological approach is the (auto)biographical research whose source focuses on the narrative interview that allows the construction of an analysis whose circle of narrativity brings scenic understandings of the narrated, lived, and reconfigured by the narrator Nelson Faria, in the act of telling. In the results, which are still incipient, Nelson counts himself showing a know-how, knowing how to play and knowing how to teach, as a synonym that this is part of the formation of a musician and teacher. In a way, this leads us to think that musical training is composed of professional knowledge that gives us a new professional identity.

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Nelson Faria - (auto)biographical narrative of a music teacher

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582382207124

  • Palavras-chave: (Musician)biography; (Autobiography; Life's history; Narrative interview; Music teacher.

  • Keywords: (Musician)biography; (Autobiography; Life's history; Narrative interview; Music teacher.

  • Abstract:

    This work presents a synthesis of the master's research project in progress that focuses on investigating Nelson Faria's life story as a music teacher. It also results from a research of the “state of knowledge” type in the academic production of theses and dissertations on self (biography), life narrative and music. The specific objectives highlighted are the quest to know aspects of his formative process and path, as a musician and teacher, and how he sees himself from his formative experiences throughout his career. The formative experience was taken from the studies of Marie Christine Josso (2004). The theoretical-methodological approach is the (auto)biographical research whose source focuses on the narrative interview that allows the construction of an analysis whose circle of narrativity brings scenic understandings of the narrated, lived, and reconfigured by the narrator Nelson Faria, in the act of telling. In the results, which are still incipient, Nelson counts himself showing a know-how, knowing how to play and knowing how to teach, as a synonym that this is part of the formation of a musician and teacher. In a way, this leads us to think that musical training is composed of professional knowledge that gives us a new professional identity.

  • Wanderson Ferreira Bomfim
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