Sustainable Business with a Focus on Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Business with a Focus on Sustainable Development Goals
Palavras-chave: Negocios sostenibles, ODS, Emprendimiento, Bien Común
Keywords: Sustainable business, SDGs, Entrepreneurship, Common Good
As a capable entity, human beings have the ability to make their own decisions in the exercise of their individual freedom, so that in the context of business, they can decide to open a business, its direction, and even integrate it into environmental friendliness to address the long-term continuity that can be provided to entities through full incorporation into the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); in this regard, an entrepreneur integrates into sustainability when he or she takes care to think about the future and not only the immediate present, when in addition to seeking profit, it allows them to analyze the long-term results of a negotiation that will also impact the social sphere.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the different conceptions that have been given in various countries to refer to business models within the framework of the SDGs proposed for 2030 in attention to SDG number 8 and 8.3. which refer to enabling the achievement of development-oriented policies to support productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and which promote the formalization and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services. To achieve this goal, documentary techniques supported by discourse analysis are used. The results of this research allow the conceptualization of a sustainable business that favors the triple impact (economic, social and environmental), as well as clarifying the capitals that are integrated into this type of business model with benefits for both the investor and the interested parties.
- María Guadalupe Soriano Hernández
- Laura Angélica Décaro Santiago
- Juana Gabriela Soriano Hernández
- Patricia Delgadillo Gómez