Artigo - Atena Editora


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Navigation in oncology: adding quality and completeness to care

The report describes the performance of the Oncological Navigation Program with a patient with breast cancer and previous comorbidities. The interventions took place in a chemotherapy outpatient clinic of the private health network in order to guarantee compliance with the therapeutic plan, respecting individuality. Thus, evidencing the importance of follow-up in minimizing care barriers and clinical intercurrences related to cancer treatment.

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Navigation in oncology: adding quality and completeness to care

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593342310053

  • Palavras-chave: Patient navigation. Cancer. Oncology nursing.

  • Keywords: Patient navigation. Cancer. Oncology nursing.

  • Abstract:

    The report describes the performance of the Oncological Navigation Program with a patient with breast cancer and previous comorbidities. The interventions took place in a chemotherapy outpatient clinic of the private health network in order to guarantee compliance with the therapeutic plan, respecting individuality. Thus, evidencing the importance of follow-up in minimizing care barriers and clinical intercurrences related to cancer treatment.

  • Sheron Tannara Vargas
  • Natália Marmitt
  • Leticia Paulino Pereira
  • André Fontes Laske
  • Fernanda Longhi
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