Artigo - Atena Editora


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Nanotechnological development is evidenced in the creation of innovative products that provide comfort. However, any positive change will have its contrast that affects to society and that generates new problems that keep it busy. This social effect requires the participation of ethics in each of the branches of nanotechnology. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present a bibliometric investigation of the countries that consider ethics within their nanotech development. 303 articles were analyzed, of which 16 obtained in complementary journals to international magazine "Nanoethic" given in the EBSCO host database. Statistical analysis of this database helped to identify the countries most active in this area, their production per year (2005-2019) and the area to which the application of nanomaterials is directed. The results shown in the United States is the country that most reports the application of ethics in nanotechnology and the line of knowledge that most requires discussing this issue is the area of ​​economics. This initial study leads to further increase the exhaustiveness of data collection, mainly to identify the responsible participation of research in nanoethics by several developed countries such as Russia, China and Japan; which have no contribution within the analyzed population data.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.216262205047

  • Palavras-chave: Nanoethics, ethics, nanotechnology.

  • Keywords: nanoethics, ethics, nanotechnology.

  • Abstract:

    Nanotechnological development is evidenced in the creation of innovative products that provide comfort. However, any positive change will have its contrast that affects to society and that generates new problems that keep it busy. This social effect requires the participation of ethics in each of the branches of nanotechnology. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present a bibliometric investigation of the countries that consider ethics within their nanotech development. 303 articles were analyzed, of which 16 obtained in complementary journals to international magazine "Nanoethic" given in the EBSCO host database. Statistical analysis of this database helped to identify the countries most active in this area, their production per year (2005-2019) and the area to which the application of nanomaterials is directed. The results shown in the United States is the country that most reports the application of ethics in nanotechnology and the line of knowledge that most requires discussing this issue is the area of ​​economics. This initial study leads to further increase the exhaustiveness of data collection, mainly to identify the responsible participation of research in nanoethics by several developed countries such as Russia, China and Japan; which have no contribution within the analyzed population data.

  • Número de páginas: 13

  • Imelda Ortiz-Medina
  • Marisol Cruz-Cruz
  • Marlen Hernández Ortiz
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