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This article presents an Integrative Literature Review on Selective Mutism in the last eleven years. It was chosen as an objective to synthesize results obtained in research on selective mutism in Brazil and Portugal. Selective Mutism (SM) is a disorder still little known by educators and school psychologists, which makes its diagnosis late and ends up impacting the child's learning and development, especially in the school and social context. Selective Mutism was classified as an Anxiety Disorder and is characterized by a lack of oral communication in certain environments, especially at school, and may even be confused with extreme shyness, thus causing a delay in diagnosis. As a way of mitigating the impacts caused by MS, ludotherapy is indicated, which, in addition to being applied as a treatment, also facilitates communication and socialization of children with MS. It is concluded that the study and research on this disorder is essential to promote adequate monitoring of the child, both by teachers and family members, and thus prevent greater impacts on the delay of the learning processes.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583132319049

  • Palavras-chave: Selective Mutism; Integrative Review; Learning Disability; Ludotherapy.

  • Keywords: Selective Mutism; Integrative Review; Learning Disability; Ludotherapy.

  • Abstract:

    This article presents an Integrative Literature Review on Selective Mutism in the last eleven years. It was chosen as an objective to synthesize results obtained in research on selective mutism in Brazil and Portugal. Selective Mutism (SM) is a disorder still little known by educators and school psychologists, which makes its diagnosis late and ends up impacting the child's learning and development, especially in the school and social context. Selective Mutism was classified as an Anxiety Disorder and is characterized by a lack of oral communication in certain environments, especially at school, and may even be confused with extreme shyness, thus causing a delay in diagnosis. As a way of mitigating the impacts caused by MS, ludotherapy is indicated, which, in addition to being applied as a treatment, also facilitates communication and socialization of children with MS. It is concluded that the study and research on this disorder is essential to promote adequate monitoring of the child, both by teachers and family members, and thus prevent greater impacts on the delay of the learning processes.

  • Lorrayne Valente da Silva
  • Luciane Weber Baia Hees
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