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"Multimodal Narratives on Corporate Websites: An Overview"

This chapter’s main goal is to shed light onto the most characteristic meaning making processes in corporate narratives by analysis ten corporate narratives of well-known international companies from a multimodal-narrative perspective. This is a qualitative study that examines the modal affordances provided by image, lay-out and color, as well as the language choices and elements that make up different narratives.  The hypothesis is that corporate narratives have identifiable patterns that are used to create a sense of community, directed towards present and potential customers.  Findings presented here can be of interest for corporate discourse analysis and researchers working on multimodality and narrative.

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"Multimodal Narratives on Corporate Websites: An Overview"

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9293122211210

  • Palavras-chave: multimodal analysis, corporate discourse, digital storytelling

  • Keywords: multimodal analysis, corporate discourse, digital storytellin

  • Abstract:

    This chapter’s main goal is to shed light onto the most characteristic meaning making processes in corporate narratives by analysis ten corporate narratives of well-known international companies from a multimodal-narrative perspective. This is a qualitative study that examines the modal affordances provided by image, lay-out and color, as well as the language choices and elements that make up different narratives.  The hypothesis is that corporate narratives have identifiable patterns that are used to create a sense of community, directed towards present and potential customers.  Findings presented here can be of interest for corporate discourse analysis and researchers working on multimodality and narrative.

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