Artigo - Atena Editora


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Osteoporosis is a disease characterized as the most common of the osteometabolic system today, with its progressive increase occurring predominantly in the elderly, causing prolonged immobilization in them, thus evidencing the increase in fractures in these patients. The objective of this study was given in the perception of the osteoporosis theme, where it has a breadth of knowledge, from its prevention, conception to the restoration of the patient's health, passing through numerous specialties in the health area. The bibliographic survey was carried out in consultation with academic works, Scielo and Google Scholar. The search in the database was carried out in the period 2019-2021, considering the use of Portuguese as a search descriptor: osteoporosis, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The multidisciplinary study on osteoporosis was important for the composition and exploration of this research, since there is a multidisciplinary approach to osteoporosis care with many analogies focusing on care, pre- and post-discovery of the disease and even living with osteoporosis.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592162216032

  • Palavras-chave: Osteoporosis care; diagnosis and treatment in osteoporosis; osteoporotic patient.

  • Keywords: Osteoporosis care; diagnosis and treatment in osteoporosis; osteoporotic patient.

  • Abstract:

    Osteoporosis is a disease characterized as the most common of the osteometabolic system today, with its progressive increase occurring predominantly in the elderly, causing prolonged immobilization in them, thus evidencing the increase in fractures in these patients. The objective of this study was given in the perception of the osteoporosis theme, where it has a breadth of knowledge, from its prevention, conception to the restoration of the patient's health, passing through numerous specialties in the health area. The bibliographic survey was carried out in consultation with academic works, Scielo and Google Scholar. The search in the database was carried out in the period 2019-2021, considering the use of Portuguese as a search descriptor: osteoporosis, causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The multidisciplinary study on osteoporosis was important for the composition and exploration of this research, since there is a multidisciplinary approach to osteoporosis care with many analogies focusing on care, pre- and post-discovery of the disease and even living with osteoporosis.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Eliardo Rocha Santos
  • Jânio Carlos Fagundes Junior
  • Paulo Vítor Cardoso Melo
  • Anderson Gonçalves Passos
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